
Could Mantaur and Doink the Clown have been better in the WWF if not for the stupid characters?

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Could Mantaur and Doink the Clown have been better in the WWF if not for the stupid characters?




  1. Umm what? What?

    Doink was funny and lame at the same time..


  2. Doink was a fairly good wrestler underneath the makeup. Mantaur? No idea so i will say no.

  3. Actually Doink was not a bad character.  Some kids are really afraid of clowns, and the original (Matt Borne) was very effective at portraying the garishly-painted and colorful fun-loving clown hiding some sinister feelings and tendencies.  A clown gimmick is not going to gain any wrestler championships, but Matt Borne as Doink was a very effective character, in my opinion.  It also helps that Borne was an excellent wrestler and not just some water-squirting prankster.  Of course, being the WWF, they took a good idea and ruined it by turning Doink into a goofball.  Had they kept Borne as Doink and continued with the original gimmick of Doink being a heel pretending to be a fun-loving face, the character wouldn't have ended up being a joke.  So yes, Doink would have been more successful had they not altered the gimmick.

    Mantaur, though, was just a bad idea from the start.

  4. Actually, Doink was a good character, until the "geniuses" in the office cough Russo cough came up with the "brilliant" idea to turn him face. As for Mantaur, nah, because he sucked just as bad as Bruiser Mastino in ECW.


    sorry but this character was just lame

    Vader > Mooooooooooo

  6. Mantaur sucked. Nuff said there.

    But there was hope for Doink the Clown. As a heel, he was great. He actually started getting cheers torwards the end of his heel run and it was gettting super over, but Vince screwed up the character by turning it totally babyface and taking away all the elements that made heel Doink popular.

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