
Could Marijuana "cure" Anorexia?

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Wouldn't smoking weed make people with Anorexia get the munchies or is that not possible?




  1. I think they would just become a Schizophrenic Anorexic. Not a good combination.

  2. idk about "cure" but it would sure as h**l make you wanna eat something

  3. Brother???

  4. it would probably delay it or something.

  5. Yeah I heard it works but the problem of addiction and legal issues remain but if it is getting life threatening and they are willing to just chill and eat just make sure it is pure stuff not mixed with any more harmful c**p.

  6. Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disorder. It comes with other symptoms which are all obsessive in nature (like obsessing over friends, boys, food, weight etc).

    Anorexics are usually intensely hungry (if you have ever met/ worked with one they talk about food constantly). So I don't think MJ would help them in terms of increasing appetite. As they are already so hungry.

    It is used in wasting disorders like AIDS and cancer cachexia with some successes though.

    Anorexia is not just appearance. It is control, self loathing, depression, anxiety, strive for "perfection" which manifests itself as food avoidance. There are so many more issues than weight loss.

    I agree with everyone else, it will treat the symptoms but not the underlying cause. The disease would just manifest itself some other way, like cutting.

    Nice thinking though. Very creative.

  7. It really depends on the severity of their condition, by which i mean does the munchies urge out weigh the urge to stay thin.

    ultimatly no it wouldn't cure, it would treat. the difference is curing removes the problem entirely while treating removes it temperarly(so long as the "medicine" is in their system)

  8. It's actually a very good question, but no in my opinion I do not believe it would cure it. In fact, I think it would make it even worse. Anorexics are all about control and losing that control to marijuana would make them feel as if they have to regain that control by eating less/exercising more after the high is over. Interestingly enough anorexics are actually not as hungry as one would think. Yes they do have periods of intense hunger, but for a lot of the time their hunger pangs are "turned off."

  9. Wow, I must say, wat a great Q. I mean, I never really thought about it that way. *Hmmm...* I really don't know how to answer it, but all I can say is that this put me to think and I want to know more about it. Thanks, lol.


  10. I believe strongly that it would, plus then they wouldn't care about their weight

  11. A study was conducted that needs further validation, but the most cutting edge information is that Anorexia is not just psychological but a brain disorder caused from a VIRUS!

    They are not getting the signal to just sit there and eat even though they are very hungry and want to eat.

    They are treated with psychological SSRI anti depressants which cause appetite supression, so why are the psychiatrists adding insult to injury?

    The only anorexics I know of who are now symptom free had undergone intense testing for nutritional deficiencies, supplementation and taught themselves how to adhere to strict food guidelines.  You wouldn't even know they used to suffer, today.

    I don't think Marijuana would be a good idea, because the disease presents itself in early adolescence and I don't think a young brain should turn off and start procrastinating on top of what they are suffering from.  Besides, pot also causes a nutritional deficiency and that's one reason why people get the munchies.

  12. Anorexia is a Very Serious illness and people who suffer from this malady need serious psychological help! No, MJ is not a cure. Even if it did induce the "munchies" that would only be a temporary fix. As soon as they wear off, the anorexic is left back at page one. If you know someone who suffers from Anorexia, the best thing you can do for them is encourage them to seek medical care, ASAP. If they refuse, you may have to intervene, and get that help to them. You just may be saving their life!

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