
Could McCain have been any more transparent in his VP pick?

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Picking Sarah Palin is a desperate attempt to make an out-of-touch candidate (and party) look "with it" and open minded. However, could he have picked a more regressive backward woman, if he'd hunted for one?

It's obvious that he thinks all women are brain dead, and will vote for a woman....any Hillary Clinton's absence. No woman is going to fall for that ploy. It's as transparent as it comes.




  1. do not care the woman is smoking hot she got my vote  

  2. Have faith in Jesus and vote Obama.

    Obama loves America

    Obama is a humble Christian man.

    Southern Whites will rally behind Obama.

    Barack Obama is going to carry every state in the South including good old West Virginia.

    Southern Whites for Obama.

    Obama 08

    God Bless America

  3. you are EXACTLY right!! unfortunately not everyone DOES see through this!!! we must make them realize!!!  

  4. Man. The chick really has you guys scared!

    Have you ever wondered why the liberals rarely back former governors and mayors? Have you ever wondered why congressmen always get the heaviest support?

    It's because liberal fails miserably when applied to the real world. Ray Nagen's disastrous management of New Orleans was a great example. Libs like Obama, Clinton, Edwards and Biden learn REAL fast that there are harsh realities to actually running an operation.

  5. Exactly, no, he couldn't have been any more obvious.  My husband and I were both commenting on it when we saw and heard about her.

    The sad thing is that, as these boards and that crowd at her speech prove, there are some painfully dumb, shallow people (oooh, shiny!) and so it just may work.  It is almost worse to think that there are so many painfully dumb people in this country than it is to think of another 8 years of Republican rule.

  6. you're so right!

    can't wait to see his face in November when he looses!

    Women are way smarter then that.

    Just because Sarah is a lady he thinks

    "Oh well now im going to win!"


    No way MCcain!

    So get that into your head!



  7. My first thought was that McCain seems to think women are interchangeable. Just pick any old woman, we'll vote for her. Not so much

  8. Soooo true.  It's like there was a political dating service type machine that spit some unknown politician out.  




    processing... . .. .. ... .

    f*ck it, take this one.  

  9. Look at his voting record on women's rights record. It's OBVIOUS he thinks women are brain dead. Boy will be shocked in November.

  10. And Obamonination was transparent with his "change" pic of old man Biden??? Are you kidding me?  

  11. Hillary was brain dead and ignorant thinking that all women and any women would vote for her. Please don't confuse Liberal blindness with a Conservative who actually IS  with it.  Hillary lost it, get over it.  

  12. No.

    Vote Obama!

  13. Hey man, I think you said it right on. Women are not going to fall for this treachery as he thinks. Because these "pre-polls" say 27% of women are undecided and 13% are likely to vote for McCain means not a thing! These women wanted Hillary because she was a QUALIFIED woman to run as president. What many fail to see is that Palin is nowhere more qualified than Hillary Clinton; therefore, it will make those women not even look at Palin at all.

    In addition, Palin is pro-life and is against g*y marriage. THAT also effects the decisions of the Clinton supporters vote more for the Obama/Biden ticket.  

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