
Could Novak Djokovic's 'sore throat' hinder his chances of winning at Rome?

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well, looks like a week or so later, Djokovic's 'sore throat' just won't heal. "I'm still on antibiotics. I don't feel 100 percent," he said.

Does this guy have a PR team? The more he tries to defend his infamous retirements, the more ludicrous it all sounds.

I couldn't help thinking this latest statement -"im don't feel 100%"- could be just another excuse in advance.Boy took a look at the draw and thought, 'c**p this is gonna be tough, maybe i should have a ready made excuse, incase i have to quit'..




  1. I agree with Tennis Is The Best.  A sore throat is no worse of an excuse than mono, which typically takes several months to recover from, yet somehow Federer only took off a month, and "revealed" having mono only after several bad losses.  If he really had mono, he would have been out a lot longer than he was, like Mario Ancic who missed 6 months last year.

  2. yea rite, now suddenly the comparison between Federer's mono and the 'sore throat' comes up?does that make Djokovic's sore throat even more excusable? if the boy(yes, "the boy") was looking for an excuse after a "bad loss" he could have as well finished up the match and later complained of a 'sore throat', or better yet, he can claim to have a semi-mono or something..perhaps more people would have bought the c**p.but NO, since him n his unruly family have concluded that "the king is dead", it was sudden;y apparent that he was still kicking afterall.He didn't wanna eat back his sour words, so he had to quit to save mum from having to come up with another dumb excuse for him losing.better to quit before he lost..gee, talk about an unclassy family.

    ok my point really is, Djokovic or any other quitter out there should stop trying to fool some of us(of coz some are fooled but majority aint).if he wanna quit bcoz he's losing why not just admit it.instead of coming up with ridiculous statements like "i was in control" -(RG 06 against Nadal, trailing two sets)

  3. Besides the sore throat he also said he felt dizzy and he suffers from breathing problems. And, even if his excuses are lame atleast he's not like Federer who comes up with his mono excuse after his losses just to make people go like "wow, this guy is truly a genius to be playing even when suffering from mono".


    Michael N, his gullible fans keep on saying....he's soooo great that even with mono he continues playing... that's why he didn't take that time off.

    I bet had he lost the last wimby and US Open, then mono would have been stretched back to then itself. May be French open too? It would I guess be more believable back then since he missed gerry weber open.

  4. Good point!!!  I think you're right!

    Strep throat doesn't take more than a week to heal. What a woooos (or however you spell it).  Americans pop antibiotics on a daily basis, that doesn't mean much to us. So what. No one feels 100% all the time.  

    My regard for him is dropping like a free fall brick.

  5. His sore throat and antibiotics are excuses made even before the tournament begins. Wait till he plays in the tournament and he will quit due to chapped lips. He could never win in Rome since he will quit anyways.

  6. A sore throat is a feeble excuse to loose isn't it. You would laugh someone off at my club if they said I lost because of a sore throat. And he calls Brits spoiled?

  7. maybe..lets see when his first game in Rome begins!

  8. I think he said he has strep throat A little more severe than just a regular sore throat, no?

    Whether he has strep throat or not he should've just said he has mono cause more people seem to buy that nonsense.

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