
Could Oil companies run bankrupt if people wouldn't buy gas for 1-2 days?

by Guest61690  |  earlier

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That's what I heard from my friend, who works at UN office in New York. Thus, they will be compelled to reduce gas prices.




  1. No.  They make profits in the Billions.  And, it doesn't mean squat if you don't purchase gas for 1 or 2 days.  What makes a difference is if you stop driving.  Use public transportation, or pedal or walk to the places you need to go.

  2. No, it would just be a bump.  There are no oil companies anyway as they have long since diversified into all energy fields so one division might show less profit for one tally period but the others would do fine if not better.

    So Maya, you've never heard of the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller foundation, or many of the others that have done so much for so many?  better hit the books harder if you want to graduate.

  3. Its not that easy. 1-2 days boycott must involve the whole world.

  4. Are You kidding?! The Oil Companys have so much $$$ on hand- they could shut down until WE go Bankrupt (because we didn't have the Gas to go back & forth to work with...)!!! :0

  5. Sounds like such a great idea if only it would work.

    The truth is the oil giants are huge and their real problem is how to shift all that wealth around to their maximum advantage. They have more money than they know what to do with. The problem with this sort of wealth is it always ends up in the hands of people who don't give a damm about any of the world's problems and have no soul. When was the last time you read a story about them giving money to buy food for the starving in, say, Darfur or the Congo?

    Did you ever hear about them supporting research into AIDS?

    The only way they will balk and reduce prices would be due to extreme terror tactics, and it would be wrong of me to suggest that as an option.

  6. Your friend, like everyone involved with the UN, appears to be a total moron. Exxon made about forty billion in profits last year, so I doubt they'd run through that in two days. Also about 90 percent of world oil reserves are controlled by governments, not companies, so even if some sort of boycott were to somehow hurt the oil company's I doubt OPEC would really give a c**p.

  7. it would not happen,.....prices for oil are set by O.PE.C., Oil Producing Exporting Countries,.....

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