
Could Russia and the US go to war

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Do you think the problems in Georgia could escalate to the point where the US and Russia go to war?




  1. No, and both sides knows that. Talks are underway to resolve this conflict and return to pre-conflict positions by both Georgian and Russian troops and replace the Russian peace keepers with UN peace keepers in South Ossieta

  2. I have thought alot the last few days and I keep getting more and more angry. I do not think I would have handled anything differently, however I am upset.

    Russia opposed our war in Iraq, (in fairness they supported Afganistan.) Georgia, Ukraine and Poland and other Russian neighbors were very helpful in the Iraq. Good luck getting any of them to help us next time, after the Russian assault on Georgia. The Ukraine government feels they are next and wonder where was the help for our friend. They might have no choice but to cozy up to their big sister bear.

    Backlash? Western Europe has not cared for the Russian government for the past five or so years. They lost nothing there. America wants a G7 club instead of a G8, excluding Russia. Russia can make their own club with Iran and Hugo Chavez. Hard to have an industrialized world without more oil and energy. Guess who has that?

    I think we just lost some pretty good friends in Eastern Europe and Asia. Score infinite points for Putin and his successors.

  3. I am Laughing at all these idiots study financial world markets first. The US economic output is about 12 trillion a year 2007 est. even in a bad economy the US surpasses Russia by a landslide. Russian makes about 1 trillion if at best. China makes an impressive 2 tril a year, The US makes cars like GM, FORD, CHRYSLER to name a few, Russia NIL.

    We Have Boeing and Lockheed Martin and Cessna and Gulfstream Aircraft making aircraft missiles and defense systems for us and the world.


    MIG 29 vs F22 Raptor not a chance Raptor is far superior.

    Our Tanks shoot while traveling and have homing shells to hit and secure the kill. Russia does not.

    Nukes we both have tons but the US has up to eight warheads per missile which are retargetable and yield higher explosive blast. Our ICBMS are second to none. Launched from land and sea.

    Did I mention that the US has a Missile Defense System which Russia does not. Many US Navy Ships and land bases can intercept incoming Russian Nukes and destroy them in midair at high altitudes before they reach US Soil.

    Russia does not while I do think Russia might get lucky if some missiles get through our defences ours will most definetly penetrate theirs, Russia knows this.

    Cheap Russian Land for sale coming soon..........

  4. if usa attacks russia then muslim countries will back russia as muslims are emracing for direct war with usa and iran gets involved would be a chance for angered muslims to hit back at usa.u know thats what russia and iran and muslims wants " please attack us!"

  5. Russia Bear can go to war any time, any where, at any scale because it can afford it.

    Uncle Sam has been too old, too weak, too poor,  ... to do anything right now.

    You got the picture.

  6. Are you kidding, U.S against Russia, not a chance in h**l.  Maybe the whole world against Russia, but that will never happen.  US only attacks little tiny countries.  Russia's economy is strong, there have their own oil.  If you look at their military equipment a lot of it is superior to the US. We really nothing compared to Russia right now.  We are in decline, they are in the incline.

    We have allowed ourselves to decline with our free (and I say FREE) trade polices.  Meaning our markets are free to be attacked and destroyed by anyone in the world.  US is for sale, thanks to our congress and senate.  We have allowed our manufacturing base to be taken over by foreign competition.  Continued along these lines with be the end of our power as a western nation.  I wonder when the American population will wake up?

  7. "could russia and us go to war"-yes

    Your title to the question

    now the other answer.

    No as it looks like they both going to cease fire and figure it out from here.

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