
Could Smackdown Be the new 'flagship show'?

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In my opinion (so Dont get angry lol) Smackdown is miles better than raw at the moment anyway, look at the top raw guys compared to the top smackdown guys, with jim ross i think smackdown can out do raw!

Top RAw Guys

John Cena - Alot of haters (over 15 years old and know wrestling)

Batista - 5 Moves similar to cena

JBL - Too Old and overweight - he has b***s. end of lol

Y2J - WWE Have made him so BORING when he use to be funny!

CM Punk- i dont think hes ready for what hes getting

Mysterio - overrated

Orton - Rocks, but wwe are makin him boring

HBK - Cool, but gettin on gotta admit

Top Smackdown Guys

HHH - The Game End of

Undertaker - Best in the wwe

Jeff Hardy - most exciting performer the wwe have

MVP - THe best heel in the wwe and gr8 athelete

shelton - best pure athelete in wwe

edge - another amazing heel

Kozlov - could be a gr8 heel




  1. You are right, Raw seems to be more for the kids and storylines seem worse. Plus the talent level, you left off Carlito (who is never used, but great), Umaga, Kennedy, and The Brian Kendrick. Smackdown in terms of talent, great matches, and even story lines is miles ahead.

  2. You forgot to add that Jim Ross on the Smackdown roster, but i agree with you 100%. Smackdown could be the new flagship show by the end of the year. But remember Smackdown is also bringing up new people like Scotty Goldman (Colt Cabana), Ezekiel, and the redebuted Kenny Dykstra. I predict that Smackdown will have better storylines than Raw after its move to MyNetworkTV.

  3. of course smackdown could be i have been watching about 30 mins then flipping the channel  two something else raw is getting boring

  4. Lol dude the reason raw is the flagship show is because its live and has more house shows u should of said is smackdown the A Show and is raw the B Show

    But i do agree smackdown PWNS these days

    You Forgot about J.R btw

    And Umaga

    And Kennedy

  5. Nope.  According to WWE purists...RAW will remain the flagship as long as it airs.  That is not to say that Smackdown does not have a talented roster.  

    Looking at your 'Superstar' list...we can all see that you are a mark and a half.  You must have a ton of WWE merchandise and have an online WWE Account (lol)

    Any true wrestling fan knows that only a few WWE 'Superstars' are excellent wrestlers.  A majority of them are barely 'mid carders' with the WWE Hype Machine behind them.  For every wrestling talent like CM Punk, Edge, or HBK you have Carlito, Santino, or the worst of them...MVP (Best heel in WWE?  No, that's either Edge or Orton...PERIOD.  MVP is an accident waiting to happen to some unfortunate 'opponent' in the ring.  Actually look at his ring work instead of his Mic Skills and you'll see how sloppy he is).

  6. cena (yes he sucks)

    batista (could go marry cena)

    JBL (way overweight dude im with you

    Y2J he's fun on heel but they shouldv'e put cena as heel or mysterio.

    punk 1 of the only 3 good ones.

    mysterio yes he's overrated dont care for thumbs down.

    orton yes second of three good wrestlers

    hbk last best wrestler.

    SMACKDWON ROX NOW! (forget bout ecw) D:

  7. Well, they have to get better ratings and it needs to be aired live. I agree they have better top athletes.

    raw: Y2J, Punk, Orton

    Smackdown: everyone that you stated.

    Raw in my opinion has better storylines, they have the main storylines of the WWE( example: Kane, Rey...or Vince's paternity test thing.)

  8. No, Batista and Mysterio are two of the best wrestlers in the WWE. CM Punk is ready for his push. Kane is good now that he is on a rampage. Jericho and HBK have been doing the best mic work I have ever heard. Meanwhile Smackdown has Triple H who gets to be the Champ whenever he wants, Jeff Hardy who could get fired at any minute for drugs, (no, he hasn't even gone through rehab) a screaming fake samoan, and a guys who's gimmick is talking. Then they have a dead guy who has had a constant push since his debut, and a fat guy who had to take time off to lose weight. In other words, RAW is still the flagship show.



  10. thats why mysterio is the lightest world heavy weight champion, john cena is a wwe champion, batista is a world heavy weight champion and defended his title agaist undertaker and won

  11. yeah RAW bores me so much i fall asleep during it but Smack Down has improved 100% in the last month

  12. Yes smackdown has been doing good after the draft.After the draft sd has more action,and many superstars and good storylines.Mysterio is not overrated.When he won the whc and lost it he go to the mid card.Then he return at 2007 feud with the whc but lost he feuded with finlay and mvp later the year

  13. Yes, SmackDown is currently in my opinion the flagship show. Seriously, the top title, the WWE championship is on SD! The best in the buisness: Taker & HHH on the same brand. And the greatest wrestling commentator  of all time, JR is on SD! WWE are thinking of making SD! live, I think it will go live when they change from CW to MYtv.

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