
Could Somebody Just Help Me??? PLEASE??? Thanks!!

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I am going into my 2nd year of High School. I am already really organized! I want to be better at school and get better grades. I am in a couple harder questions this year, but not a lot. I had all A's in my classes in except 2. The 1 class wasn't my fault, and the 2nd class nobody knows how I failed. What can I do to get better grades?? What can I do to be better in school??Thanks in Advance!!!




  1. just keep up the good work. sounds like u pretty much have it together

  2. Work hard and never give up. Good luck in school.

    Alex East

  3. My suggestion would be :

    paying attention in class

    taking notes with gel pens (or colors)

    highlighting on notes given out

    ask questions about anything you don't understand

    using index cards for any unknown defintions in your textbook

    outline all chapters you are covering in your textbook

    Review every night for 15-30 minutes with no distractions

    If your teachers offer tutoring take it

  4. First of all, try to relax a little. You're not going down the tubes, as much as it may seem like it. The 2nd class that nobody knows how you failed? That sounds like it could be a listening problem on your part. Are you sure you are really listening to what the teacher requires? Are you humble enough to admit when you've done something wrong or not at all? Doing well in school does not mean getting good grades. It means listening, reading, trying to understand, asking questions, and communicating with the teachers when there are problems. Learn how to LEARN, not just how to get good grades. That's what really matters.

  5. What were the other two grades? If they were B's, then you're fine.

    Advice: Study as much as you can. If you get a bad grade, ask your teacher if you can redo it. Realize that getting all A's is hard.

  6. get feedback from yr teachers as to how u can improve- not airy fairy comments like keep trying-

    get them to write objectives that u can improve upon.- give them a note card with each homework so that this is personal and no one else had to know about it. thats what i do with mystudents who want to improve

    attend office hours as soon as u dont understand or create a study group with friends

    keep track of homeworks in a planner- do they have homework/ grading online at yr school?

    good luck!

  7. tr going to the library and ask your teachers if you can borrow one of the books you are studying from in clase

    try looking on amazon for math,science ect books fore your age

  8. It helps to not get distracted by the boys. They always pose  a problem. And don't sweat it. You already know how well of a person you are in school. so don't let teachers or grades paint a picture of you.

  9. All you can ever do is try your best.  If you are having trouble with a class, do not wait to see how it turns out.  Immediately ask the teacher to set-up extra help sessions.  Sometimes teachers who are not helpful during class turn out to be very good at one-on-one.  If working with your teacher is not possible/not helping try to find a tutor.  Some schools will offer chances for other students to help tutor for free.  Or you can find tutors that you can hire.  Make sure you tell your guidance counselor your concerns and that you work closely with them to track your progress.

    when you go home set up time to work however you work best.  If you have trouble with this, your guidance counselor should be able to help you with suggestions.  If there is not suitable place at home, try staying after school or going to a library.

    Take a look at your classes.  Usually it is easier to do better in classes that interest you.  See the ones that seem boring and ensure that you still spend enough time on these classes.

    Never skip a homework assignment--these can be helpful in your grade.  If you don't understand complete it the best you can and make sure you tell your teacher you didn't understand.  Participate in class.  If you are on the edge of a grade teachers are more likely to bump you up if they know you are trying.

    Most importantly do NOT feel bad if you don't get straight A's.  If you have tried your hardest that is all that should matter to you.  Don't let anyone tell you any different.  You know when you have tried the best you could have and when you are lying to yourself.

    Look over every other thing you are doing such as sports and clubs.  Make sure that you are giving yourself enough time to do your work.  Understand that if the work gets hard you will need more time and you have to decide what is more important.

    When studying for a test, never only study the night before.  Start studying ahead of time, and then when you get to the test you will remember it easier because you continued studying would have reinforced it more.

    The best question I have found is to always ask your teacher what the test will look like.  Some teachers will give vague answers, others might get annoyed.  But I know one girl who always asked our math teacher for examples of what would be on the test.  Our class always did well on the tests.  The other class that didn't want to have to ask that question didn't do so hot.  If your teacher can pin-point things like you will need all the vocabulary, a lot of section one, nothing on section 3, etc, then you will have a better idea of what to study.  If your book has practice tests, always do them and then ask your teacher to go over them with you.

    Hope that helps.

  10. if you got a bad grade in a subject that's open to interpretation(essay's) ask what you did wrong and for extra credit

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