
Could Someone Please Explain Murder To Me.?

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What does everyone of them mean? Such as Capitol, 1st 2nd and 3rd. i like to watch all of the Crime Scene Shows on TV and never understand it. Thanks!




  1. That depends on which state you are in. Each state defines each one differently.

    In Arizona First Degree Murder:

    13-1105. First degree murder; classification

    A. A person commits first degree murder if:

    1. Intending or knowing that the person's conduct will cause death, the person causes the death of another person, including an unborn child, with premeditation or, as a result of causing the death of another person with premeditation, causes the death of an unborn child.

    2. Acting either alone or with one or more other persons the person commits or attempts to commit sexual conduct with a minor under section 13-1405, sexual assault under section 13-1406, molestation of a child under section 13-1410, terrorism under section 13-2308.01, marijuana offenses under section 13-3405, subsection A, paragraph 4, dangerous drug offenses under section 13-3407, subsection A, paragraphs 4 and 7, narcotics offenses under section 13-3408, subsection A, paragraph 7 that equal or exceed the statutory threshold amount for each offense or combination of offenses, involving or using minors in drug offenses under section 13-3409, kidnapping under section 13-1304, burglary under section 13-1506, 13-1507 or 13-1508, arson under section 13-1703 or 13-1704, robbery under section 13-1902, 13-1903 or 13-1904, escape under section 13-2503 or 13-2504, child abuse under section 13-3623, subsection A, paragraph 1, or unlawful flight from a pursuing law enforcement vehicle under section 28-622.01 and in the course of and in furtherance of the offense or immediate flight from the offense, the person or another person causes the death of any person.

    3. Intending or knowing that the person's conduct will cause death to a law enforcement officer, the person causes the death of a law enforcement officer who is in the line of duty.

    B. Homicide, as prescribed in subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section, requires no specific mental state other than what is required for the commission of any of the enumerated felonies.

    C. An offense under subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section applies to an unborn child in the womb at any stage of its development. A person shall not be prosecuted under subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section if any of the following applies:

    1. The person was performing an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on the pregnant woman's behalf, has been obtained or for which the consent was implied or authorized by law.

    2. The person was performing medical treatment on the pregnant woman or the pregnant woman's unborn child.

    3. The person was the unborn child's mother.

    D. First degree murder is a class 1 felony and is punishable by death or life imprisonment as provided by sections 13-703 and 13-703.01.

    A better easier one to read is at:

    Hope this helps.  

  2. Capitol is  murder of a cop.

    1ST Degree murder is you planned the murder

    2ND Degree murder is like  you went over to jonny's house to tell him off and u got into a fight and he was killed.

    hope i helped.

  3. Well, the answer can vary from state to state depending on how their statutes are written and the terminology used in definition. But, typically, it is the following (or similar)

    1st degree murder means there was an element of malice and forethought. Wherein, you intended to perform some act that you knew, or reasonably should have known would cause death. Additionally, you specifically planned and selected a place, time and manner of committing that act.

    2nd degree would be along the lines of, for whatever reason, you went to a place to, as someone else suggested, to confront another person, or any other reason. You and the other person got into an argument or other type of altercation and, in heat of the moment you committed an act which caused the death of the other person. example: the other person punched you, you fell down by the fireplace, as an opportunity you grabbed a poker from the stand next to the fireplace and hit the other person with it and they died.

    Manslaughter would be a situation where, with no malice or forethought, you performed some act, with an element of negligence, that caused the death of another. Example: you say, hey, I bet I Can jump that bus in my toyota. In doing so you cause a collision in which another person dies.  

  4. Now that your WHITE HUSBAND has been promoted to a Security Officer for special events, will he accidently display his uncontrolled aggression and racist anger in public, like he does when he slaps you around the house in front of your WHITE CHILDREN?


  5. Every state and every country defines their crimes differently.  In general, a capital murder means one that is eligible for the death penalty.  What makes one eligible is different in every state and country.    

  6. Capital, cop, several people at once or in a episode, while commiting kidnapping, burglary etc , kill for money, while escaping

    Murder- intentionally or knowingly causes the death of another

    manslaughter- recklessly causes the death of another

    Criminaly negligent homicide- causes death by criminal negligence

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