
Could South Africa go the way of Zimbabwe,say if the ruling party loses an election?

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Could South Africa go the way of Zimbabwe,say if the ruling party loses an election?




  1. Mugabe and Mbeki are in bed together, so I'm sure it's not too far off..

  2. Any country can go the same way as Zim it just takes someone who is ignorant, incompetent and brainless etc etc to ruin it. Hence what Moogarbage (lol) has done to Zim.

  3. Like Roman S says: If the ANC should lose an election (which I highly doubt) the DA would take over.

    I would like that. Helen for President!!!

  4. If you forget rumours and observe, the ANC is clever. I do not see SA going the Zim Route.

  5. Give it 5 years with the corrupt ANC and SA will soon be like Zim. The ANC is so corrupt and they also rule by fear. Just like Zim. Wait, soon SA will look to Zim as their rich neighbors.

  6. Doubtful.

    The Democratic Alliance controlls Cape Town and the Western Cape through and through.

    I am sure the African National Congress would not throw a temper tantrum.

  7. No South Africa will not go Zimbabwe way.  

    If the ruling party loses and election, it would be the best thing that has ever happened since apartheid.

    Helen for president!!

  8. It probably wont happen with the ANC, it definitely would not happen with the DA!

    We are, however, showing signs of becoming "just another African country"

  9. I am keeping a very low profile here. But Thabo is a very good friend and disciple.

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