
Could There Be something Wrong With Me?

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My Parents were driving Me home From An Anitque mall (For my mom's Birthday) a few Months Ago. I was sitting in the back seat Looking Out the window, and My Mom, In the passenger talking to My Dad. We were driving down a country road and there was another road within eye sight to the right, A bit of a distance off. I watched the road when I thought I saw A figure (A man) Get hit by a car, But when Our Vehicle Passed... It was gone. The day after that, There was a news report that a man was killed by a drunk driver. I think it's nothing, That I was just seeing things. I was probobly Daydreaming... But what do you think?




  1. theres nothing wrong with you. you have a special gift, like many :) you have clairvoyance. that means you will see things, actually and in dreams, signs etc... that have happened or will some to pass. be excited!! i wish my abilities were visual like yours. you are very lucky. do not let it frighten you. your ability must be awakening. always take notice of it and trust it.

    dont badmouth what you clearly do not understand, you up there..... sylvia browne is not a fraud. you base you opinion on nothing. idiot.

  2. Daydreaming........than god! lol

  3. Well...if there was a news report what you saw was probably real!.....yes?

    Maybe the person that was hit was thrown, bounced, and/or rolled to where it could not be seen on your way back......????

  4. I doubt there'd be something wrong with you. It could be coincidence, but you could also have access to the gift of precognition. If so, put it to good use. You could really help somebody with that.

    Just remember: what goes around, comes around.

  5. I would agree with answer that is right above me.

  6. I think that some visions..premonitions etc. are one time experiences. I don't think it means you're psychic. etc...Maybe you "saw" a different accident that had happened at another time. You didn't say if the accident that man was killed in was in the same location. I think that sometimes we just get a "glimpse" into the paranormal.  If a lot of other things like this start happening to you...then please come back here and tell us. Hopefully, someone on here can guide you and tell you what to do or where to go for guidance. To one should be out there "floundering around" in the paranormal world like I was for ten years. (Every body  I went to for guidance...sent me to somebody else.! Guess I was a "hot potato"!  lol)

  7. There is nothing wrong with you

    You could be experiencing what we call a "Vision" Sort of like a daydream but you envisioned how the car accident happened you put it in your real life and was provably experiencing what the people behind that drunk driver did

  8. Sure there could be something wrong with you but nothing appears to be wrong with you based on your story.

    Perhaps you actually saw someone get hit. Did the news report say the accident was at the same location? On the same day that you saw it? (sometimes news stories are days late).

    I wouldn't say you were daydreaming but if you didn't see the actual event it could be a premonition as some others  have suggested or it could be that you instantly processed (before being aware of it) information about  that location and realized subconsciously that it was a dangerous place and an accident could easily take place there and then you projected the event in your imagination.


  9. you could have psychic abilities, their are some places online that test you, and give you a percentage of likelyness.

  10. That is called a premonition a sight of a future event, it is not day dreaming and nothing is wrong with you, sadly these kind of deadly accident premonitions sometimes happen too fast for you to save the victim.

  11. No, there is nothing wrong with you.  If the real accident

    happened before you got there, you more than likely saw

    a residual of it.  If it happened after you passed that street,

    you had a premonition.  This happens quite often to people

    who are not even clairvoyant.  Your fine.

  12. of course there's nothing "wrong" with you. it sounds to me like you have some type of psychic ability. or it could be total coincidence (which i don't believe in) you pick.

  13. You apologized about the caps, but then when you did that, EVERY word had an initial capitalization. Exactly what program does your brother use? Sounds like a fabrication to me.

    Furthermore, sounds like you've experienced either:

    a) a coincidence

    b) overactive imagination

    Considering how many events randomly happen in the world and how many people are having how many random thoughts per second, it's inevitable SOMEONE encounters a coincidence at any given point, and nearly just as inevitable that you have a coincidence at some point.

  14. Foresight.

    I have experienced alot but foresight is just one I can't see.

  15. where did the car accident happen??

  16. Oh absolutely, you have the makings of a psychic!   You need to explore your powers and use them for the good of mankind.  

    You have obviously been given a gift to communicate with others, not there, and see events that others cannot.  If you study the greats like Sylvia Brown, you can learn how to facilitate communication with dead relatives, and if  the forces from the other side have smiled on you, you can become a police psychic and solve crimes!  

    Beware of the temptation to succumb to accepting money for such things however, as it leads to evil and you soul may end up in h**l for practicing the black arts!

    go now, in peace

  17. It's not impossible that you saw a man get hit by a drunk driver.  Did this accident happen where you saw it happen?  If it didn't then I think you were just daydreaming.

    Edit: Please disregard any reference made to the fraud and parasitic criminal known as Sylvia Browne.

  18. You seen an event before it actually happens is called "Cognitive sight".

  19. There might be something wrong with you.  You really like to use capital letters, and that is bad for your psyche.

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