My dream is to be a professionl actress in films. Not because of the money or the fame, but because i'm a good actress and because it's my passion.
I'm undergoing my work experience at the moment. Me and some other students i know are working with a theatre company performing to local primary school and i play the lead in one, and the other is not yet casted.
We are also shooting a 3 minute art installation film, the type you see in art galleries such as the tate modern. It's all aboiut symbolism and comparisons between the cucle of a dragon fly and the maturing of adollescents and gang culture. Today i was i told i had gotten the lead role!
It is going to be shown at the dragon fly festival in sweden, entered for competitions, have a local showing and be broadcasted on youtube!!!
I do have a backup plan as i intend to study psychology at university first and get a job as that. And i do know my chances are slim.
Do you think i could use this to achieve my lifetime goal?