
Could UFOs and aliens actually be something much higher than visitors from other worlds?

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I've recently been thinking that what we perceive as UFOs and aliens might actually be living forces of nature much higher, intelligent, and advanced than any alien race from other planets could possibly be. We perceive them as aliens flying around in spaceships (or they present themselves that way to us) because aliens is something we can grasp. Whereas living forces of nature is something we can't grasp.

What are your thoughts on this?




  1. Remember that the U in UFO stands for unidentified.  Many flying objects are initially unidentified.  Given proper attention, most can be accounted for.  For the few that are not, the problem is that observations are sketchy, witnesses are poor, and the sightings are singular.  Nor persistent occurences of UFOs have remained unidentified.  With the exception of the mundane occurence of meteorites, no evidence of non-terrestrial origin has been found ever, anywhere.  We already have the outrageous and totally unjustified conjecture of alien visitors, why must we trump that with an even greater absurdity?

  2. An intelligence that would make us equivalent of an ant would have nothing to learn by observing/studying us.  Why would it purposively allow us to "see" them.  We're a dot on the road.  

    A really intelligent being would have nothing to do with this violent, disease-ridden planet that seems to be run by cretins.  I am absolutely mathematically certain intelligent life exists elsewhere - some completely incomprehensible to us.  I just hope whatever of it that is nearby won't regard us as prime beef!

  3. wtf are you talking about

  4. We explore so does other intelligent beings. We take caution when doing so and also take proof back with us.

  5. They are much higher, than what T.V./movies has made them out to be. The official reports of people seeing UFOs and also abductions...gets too messy, too 3 dimensional.

    These beings are greatly advanced consciousness wise. They have the capacity to be All Knowing and All Seeing. It's rather frightening to understand the beefed up ESP capacity these person's have.

    They are interconnected to each other, as well as their crafts they fly in. Only a God-like intelligence of superior category can do what they do. They have less dependance on manual 'interfacing' like we do. They are using their power of the mind to achieve so much more than what we do through manual labour.

    So in way you are correct. Living forces they can seem to be. Yet they have bodies like us. Their bodies are genetically superior. Their DNA is more advanced. Giving way to great god-like potentials. God-like as in having powers that only someone of immortal status could have. Not what we have, which is shameless to very little.

    So, people who percieve UFOs as something not quite so amazing...well it is actually quite amazing. Quite amazing that these beings roam the universe like we roam our backyards and countryside. It is a much bigger playground out in the universe. You have to grow with the size of the playground. So you can sort of understand just how massively advanced these space people truly are. Greatly advanced...

    It may frighten the be-jesus out of you...but in the end it's all about experience and growth. The only difference between 'them' and us is experience and time.

  6. There are beings of various types from various worlds who are working together.  Some of them have a different mass from others. One appears as a column of liquid white light for instance. Not all are solid type like us.

    These highly intelligent travelers have a council of worlds with a presence amassed throughout our solar system, in the earth and under the sea.  

    As a point of fact, they are no longer considered being from this world or that.  They are now of an intergalactic and interstellar origin and banner.  They are a unique breed different from world bound beings like us and many others.  Our own astronauts are similarly unique in the same way.  They have a deep appreciation for the preservation of life. Now think of the overview and purview our visitors have.  We should follow the example of our astronauts and people of vision who care.  Then we will make some new freinds who will become family.

    With light and care,

    Jeffrey Morgan Foss

  7. I have always wondered why people are not looking closer to home for the "aliens", if they are real.  What is more likely that the deer crossing the road is local or some how just showed up from a thousand miles away.

  8. They actually come from other dimensions and you are wrong when you say that they are higher than us. They are just other kind of beings that are developing themselves in another circumstances  and so they are some  really mean ones that wont let go of their egos and are looking for a way to control others.

  9. I think your a smart person who brought up an excellent point.

    Really people living on Mars. Scientist perceive them as these little green people flying around in their spaceships raping people. Come on, what would they want to come to Earth for anyways, they would be shot, stabbed, raped, murdered, convinced in to selling drugs, missing etc. that is how bad it is so why would they risk it. It would be more realistic for them to be forest creatures, they supposedly found evidence of fairies [ my brother found some videos on youtube, I will ask him for the link when he wakes up] So is fairies are real why can't something else be with them. Maybe they're invisible beings or spirits, YOU NEVER KNOW. But come on how many cameras have we sent into space and how many aliens have we caught NONE. How much evidence of mythological beings right here on Earth has been shown to us PLENTY. Aliens could just be the one thing yet to be caught. We just have to dig deeper and consider more possibilities.

    They could be in the forest watching after us, not these evil beings that want to rape and dissect us.

  10. My thoughts? Well I think we are visited by aliens from other planets and we also have visitors from other demisions vist also.

    I believe in ghosts, aliens and all things mystical and paranormal.


  11. what you refer to as aliens and ufos are actually demonic beings.........

  12. dude h**l yea, aliens are real. read "behold a pale horse" by william cooper, its very informative

  13. Since man's beginning of recorded time, eons BEFORE the advent of the Science Fiction genre, written and graphic drawing evidence suggesting eyewitnesses have seen metallic "firey" lit objects flying by intellegent control over the skies has been well documented.

    One of two possibilities exist---and neither suggest we're visited by extraterrestials from another planet.....albeit so I personally believe we're NOT the only humanoid type life form in the entire universe.

    1) These beings are inter-dimensional travellers, capable of darting in and out their existent dimension and into ours.  Discussions into this radical theory go into possibilities there are several types of beings, good and otherwise, and that Earth may be protected from the latter by "protectors".

    2) These beings are us humans---evolved thousands of years ahead of our current time.  They've mastered the physics of physical time travel. They have been monitoring our history and perhaps trying to gather something NOW that is missing in the future, so as to perserve the human race.

    Both wild theories point out why SETI hasn't detected their presence.

    To any event, there's something about the issue our Government DOES know about---but aren't telling us.

    And I have to admit: Even if they were to fully disclose all they know, it'd sound like sci-fi babble---due in great part because of the disinformation the government has interjected into modern society for the past 50 years.

  14. If aliens have even visited earth which i doubt because we are in a secluded sector at the edge of one out of billions of galaxies i really doubt aliens even care enough to visit us and even if they did all aliens are, are super advanced sentient species thats it they dont have super mental power of mind control, etc just really smart animals...

  15. Sorry to burst your bubbles but aliens don't exist.

  16. That is slightly more unlikely than the claims that people have seen aliens flying around in spaceships.

  17. I can imagine that is true !!

  18. That's certainly a possibility! I guess we won't know for sure until someone finds indisputable proof.

  19. i think aliens have higher spiritual awareness then us and i think there could be good aliens and bed aliens but highly ahead of us speaking spiritually and intellectually

  20. i like the thought that this is a wonderful possibility.   but, what if they are from a much lower realm as well?

  21. They could be gods little helpers like the elvs are santa"s little helpers.Flying around keeping records of bad people and the bad things people do.When jesus christ returns to earth he will be given a big list of bad people who need to be dealth with.Thoses bad people with alien implants in there brains will find out what thoses alien implants really do when jesus christ returns.Sudden death

  22. For Bart6500...Explain the Stephenville, Texas incident (if there has not been any conclusive proof that we are being visited.

    For the comment that states they have nothing to learn from us, They may not be here to learn, but rather to help.  At the time of the Chernobyl meltdown, there were sightings of a craft sitting directly over the plant, and appearing to be "sucking up" energy.  How much worse would that meltdown have been, if that is the case?

    Before anybody sits on their pc and absolutely denies the existence of alien craft(s) visiting us.  Do a little bit of open- minded research.  For instance, when Jimmy Carter was in his military service, He reported seeing a craft that he could not identify.  I believe he was a pilot, but I am not positive of this at this time, what are the chances of a pilot not being able to ID another craft?

    For your question, I believe that you are half correct, and that it is all related to Revelations.  I believe Lucifer will present himself to this world as something that we can understand.

  23. No , they're short , green and dumb .

  24. Great question!  I was just thinking about this the other day: what if aliens from other worlds are SO much larger than us that earth is a marble size planet to them, and they had to create little "ufo looking dudes" in a tiny flying object to interact with us, much as we have remote controlled toy cars.  

    Isn't it funny, given the fact that other stars and solar systems are a variety of sizes, that we assume that all other-worldly life would be the same size that we are?  

    Also, Mr. Wizard brought up a good point about aliens being "us" in the future, flying back in time to visit us.  However, this explanation doesn't ring true with me because if time travel ever does becomes possible in the future, we would have had history revamped several thousand times by now.  They'd go back to Adam  & Eve, (don't eat that apple!) lol... or to the time of Christ or Hitler and other major events... it just doesn't seem plausible because there are no documented visits of "us in the future" and nothing in our past has ever been changed.

    My thoughts are that they are higher dimensional beings (if they exist at all) and we can't comprehend anything higher than the dimensions we live in.  Theories such as string theory and M-theory predict that physical space in general has in fact 10 and 11 dimensions, respectively.

  25. That's why I need to see a UFO in real life. It could be a thing of nature whether animal or something. But all suggestions point to something metal and defying gravety. Can speed up and can make sharp angle turns. Can also be in a fleet and seem to have intellegence behind them. And so, are Alien visitors robotic or animal or a combination. When some have seen a figure of the "greys" is it a hypnotic suggestion. Are they Extra Terrestrial or originally from this earth created by a super race (like Atlantis).

    But all this pondering means nothing, unless I see it for myself. Without that, it stays in the realm of Science Fiction.

  26. IF any or the reported ufo and alien sightings are real, my opinion is they would probably be us from the future.   I have never seen one and won't believe until I do but that would be one explanation that would make sense.   At some point in the future time travel becomes possible.

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