
Could Usain Bolt make it in the NFL?

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He is 6'5, 195. Thats skinny but he could probably add another 15 pounds with a weightlifting coach. I know that track speed does not transfer to the football field, but he is the fastest man in the world. He could probably run a 9.55 one hundred meter dash. He is 21 years old. He could be a faster version of Randy Moss. Could he make it?




  1. Who asks these questions? Just because someone is fast or is good at another sport does NOT mean they can play football at the highest level especially if they've never played before!!!!!!!

  2. first he has to catch the ball but other  then that i believe he could make the transaction

  3. Well, since your question is Could he make it in the NFL and not WOULD he make it in the NFL my answer is a resounding YES. The man just broke the 100m record while pounding his chest the last 5-10m. I agree that with what a lot of the others said, he may not be able to take a hit, he hasn't shown he can catch a football. But one thing is very obvious to me, he's the most athletic person I have ever seen. There is no doubt he could not only make it in the NFL, but maybe/probably be a very good reciever. Being from Jam. he probably hasn't ever touched a football, but football is the best sport for taking raw athleticism and turning it into football talent. Reciever is the easiest position to play on the football field, given you have the physical potential. But all in all, NFL gm's and coaches are drafting kids with high upsides and questionable skill all the time. The kid is sick. He could do it.

  4. It is possible for a sprinter to become an NFL player.  NFL has experimented with that quite a bit iin the past and I am sure they will continue in the future.

    All though I can't think of any sprinters turned football players that where any good.  There are some greats that sprinted in college along with playing football but never heard of a strictly track athlete making a name for himself in the Pro's.

    Flat out speed doesn't mean you are a good football player.  Think about how a sprinter trains.  They run perfectly straight lines, no cutting, or stopping, which you definatley need in football.  

  5. probably not,   his muscles are built for speed not for taking hits plus he's so small (weight not height) he would probably just get hurt.  

  6. the dude ran a 9.68 100 that translates into a freakin 3.54 40!!!!!!!!! thats a second better some of the fastest receivers.But he probly can't take a hit, catch it good, he's gotta be strong, he gotta be able to do cuts. It aint all about speed

  7. I was thinking the same thing. Steve Smith-like with Randy Moss height and build. I think he would be a project but could be a good possession or third-down receiver.

  8. he's from Jamaica what does he care about football???

    btw he could shatter his own world record!!!

  9. He would definitely be wortH signinG.  Plus Hes Got a cool football name.

  10. no cause the first time he would get decked he'd be knocked even though he has mad speed who's to say he has good moves and agility...

  11. I think he could be a pretty good player. The one thing that could detract from him is a lack of intangibles. Growing up in Jamaica he probably never played football, so he'd need to completely learn the game in a short time.

  12. Im sure that he could, but then comes the fact that, well he could have problems. Sure he can outrun everyone in the NFL but what happens if he cant catch the football or coughs it up every time he gets hit? It looks like a good idea on the surface,but you dont know anything about what he can do with a football in his hands.

  13. You can never say..Im sure he would be able to contribute to a team, but no proof that he will dominate. Renaldo Nehimiah (spelling ?) was a track star but wasn't much of a player.

    Even though he can fly, odds are he won't be able to take a hit, since he has never played (from what I know). As we all know, speed isnt everything.

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