
Could You Compare Miami And Puerto Rico For Sun Strength?

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Can Miami match Puerto Rico for the strength of the sun? Or is Puerto Rico stronger by a lot.




  1. I'm just going to add  this about the water at the beach,  Puerto Rico beach water is much warmer than Miami's.

  2. Miami is several hundred miles north of Puerto Rico and thousands more north of the Equator. Puerto Rico is much closer to the Equator and the "sun strength" is felt much more here. If your traveling here make sure you use a high spf sunblock, about 50 spf is good, and wear it often because the "Rubio" here is unforgiving. Take care and God bless.

  3. i lived in orlando florida and visited miami a few times in the summer and now i live in PR. its almost similar, but not quite the same. miami has no mountains so therefore it gets hot but it has lots of coast breeze which it helps to prevent humidity. PR its all about mountains, and even thought its surrounded by the coastal waters, the sun its very hot and ofcourse alot of humidity, which ruins alot of things, specially if u dont have airconditioning in ur house or car. the difference its that the mountains in PR wont allow the breeze to flow smoothly in the central part of the island so therefore the sun its hotter in the costal area and very wet and humid in the central area of the island. PR feels hotter than miami, even thought its the same temperature. miami feels cooler because with no mountains breeze flows more easily.

  4. Puerto Rico is Stronger on your skin because for one is on the equator and by being an Island there is a higher concentration of salt from the ocean in the air (believe it or not) and this is what makes your skin tan fast and dark.

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