
Could You Help ? Dreams?

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i had a dream

that me & a close friend (male) were at school

but he was g*y

we were walking up to the english corridor

& he was making out with his boyfriend

then his boyfriend went into a class room

and i walked with him to his

and before he went in

he proper pulled me (made out) in front of 3 teachers

twice !

i then went to my class

and i was being taught by a pregnant teacher

does this mean any thing

thanks a bunch :)





  1. it means that ur g*y and you need to get a life haha jk idk what it means i cant help you sorry dude

  2. mabey you have a very mild thing for him, it happend to me. it sorta helps if you can take control of your own dreams like if you have a awful nightmare (i ant had one in 1yr yay dreamcaster) simply wake yourself up it realy helps, it did me :D

  3. The dream means that if you hook up with this boy, not only will you get pregnant but you will contract aids.  So stay away from him.

  4. If the g*y male friend is a real person, you may have an attraction to him that you are unwilling to fully admit to yourself.  You may still, despite knowing he's "off limits", see him as a viable mate.  Then again, sometimes dreams mean absolutely nothing.

  5. either the subject of being g*y, pregnancy, making out, or your close friend was on your mind at some point that day, which means you might want to think about it a little more to find a deeper meaning.

  6. This does not mean anything. It's just your mind doing its thing.LOL. Good luck

  7. Wow...

  8. i dont think dreams mean anything just your mind being silly

  9. The dreams suggest some sexual tension between you and your g*y friend.   It seems you would like him to be with you and you want everyone to know it.  There is a definite sexual aspects as represented by the pregnant teacher.

    You don't say whether he is really g*y or not in waking life.  If he is then this means he is unavailable and this may have the effect of you wanting something you can't have.  If is not g*y then there must be some other reason probably related to your insecurities.

    Let me know if this helps.

  10. agree with sjsjs

  11. Dreams mean nothing. They are random thoughts generated by the brain. Some people can actually controll this and dream about whatever they want. Some foods are known to give nightmares and make your dreams more vivid.

  12. could of just had a stupid dream. But it could be that you have feelings for your close friend. but are afraid he is bi? And then something about a pregnant techer :) maybe shes put weight on ?

  13. It means you have a twisted mind.

  14. No. It just a stupid dream. I one time had a dream that me and my best friend were at the school cafeteria, than suddenly snipers from a near by tree started shooting. than me and my friend started shooting them. My teacher ran and i shot her with a machine gun. and it was a huge shootout. Im not lieing.

  15. usually when i have dreams it deals with what has been happening through out the week. Like if I saw a pregnant woman or will smith from the fresh prince of bel air I would probably combine those and have will smith pregnant. It probably doesn't mean anything but just things you saw or went through. I hope that helps!

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