
Could a 21 year old adopt a 17 year old?

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Well, if the 17 year old was unhappy, and a 21 year old friend wanted to get her out of the orphanage immediately, would the government let the 21 year old adopt?




  1. probably but the 21 yr old needs a proof of enough income for 2 people.

  2. 1. i dont think that adoption would be the fastest way to help.  i think it takes a long time to be approved etc.

    2. why would someone want to adopt a 17 year old.  that young person is nearly an adult.  it may be true that he/she would benefit from a close supportive relationship but you dont need to be adopted to feel that support.

  3. probably, if you have a decent house and the kid wants you as a parent.

  4. one more yr. that kid would be y adopt!

  5. Possibly.  Certain states/countries have rules where the person adopting has to be X amount of years older then the person being adopted... usually around 10-15 years.  This isn't always the case though, and some states operate on a case by case basis.

  6. I'm in the United States -- California, specifically.  In California, a person can adopt children or adults.  However, the law states a 10 year age difference.  

    From California's Family Code:


    SECTION 8600-8622

    8600.  An unmarried minor may be adopted by an adult as provided in this part.

    8601.  (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), a

    prospective adoptive parent or parents shall be at least 10 years

    older than the child.

    But, adoption laws vary from state to state, and from country to country.  So, you really need to check the law in your own area by contacting either an attorney or the Department of Social Services (or its equivalent where you live.)

  7. YEAH.

  8. It seems pointless considering adoptions could take upwards of a year to be finalized. The kid will be an adult before you can adopt him..

  9. The 17 year old would be of age before the adoption went through.

  10. If the 21 year old hasn't started the process yet, it is probably unnecessary, since the full process of home study and then the waiting periods and approval/finalization process will take about a year.  The person will be 18 by then.

    Look into guardianship.

  11. It all depends, if everything were to be A ok, then yes.

  12. sure........but you have to file all this paper work and appear in court and stuff why not just wait 1 year??

  13. Yes although there is a process. I found this two websites you might want to take a look at. You also may want to consider how long the process will take compared to how long it is before the now 17 year old will turn 18 and be of age.

    Hope that helps!

  14. there woundnt be much of an age differeence

  15. No.According to what I have read(limited), there has to be a minimum age difference of 20 years between adopter and adoptee.

  16. extremely highly unlikely. In most, if not all states, you have to be about 15 years older than the person you are adopting. The 17 year old could probably live with the 21 year old as the 17 year old is just about of legal age. (it might matter if one was female and the other was male also)

  17. a child can be adopted once it is at least 18 weeks old no one over 18 years old can be adopted nor can anyone who has been married , even if still under the age of 18 . if a child as been adopted once , it can nevertheless be adopted again. so yes in the uk.

  18. Sure if you want to go to jail. =D

  19. ask for a legal advise... what i know is that you could only be a guardian

  20. depending on where you are from. Laws are different smong different countries, or states (in US). It's not that is to adopt though, so I doubt if anyone let you do this, after all the 17 will be adult soon

  21. how can that be? i do not know of any law that would allow that.

  22. yes but you shoudent wait a cuple years adopt some one like 7 years old

  23. When I was 22 I got physical custody of my 17 year old cousin.  We had to go to court over it but I never actually adopted her.  At 17 the kid should be able to get emancipated and be able to be considered an adult if their living situation is that bad.  You should consult a lawyer.

  24. Yes my aunt was 21 when she adopted here son

  25. If you are deemed a fit parent by whomever has custody of the child currently, then sure. I have heard similar examples of older siblings adopting the younger ones at a like age, when the parents are no longer able to care for the children.

  26. at 17, the child has the final say in whether or not they want to be adopted by that person.

  27. Why would you want to adopt a 17 year old when you are only 21?????

  28. no idea

  29. sure why not he would  be of legal age in one year any way .

  30. if its your boyfriend or girlfriend I wouldn't think so. but if your parents both died and 17yr old is your sibling I bet a 21 yr old could no problem. thats as long as you don't have a criminal history. others have answered that they will be legal age before the adoption goes through, however in special cases if the 17yr old is disabled then I think it would still work.  if you can't adopt and they can't take of him/her self then they would become a ward of the state. and usually if there is a family member willing to care for the minor then you would at least be awarded custody.

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