
Could a TB yearling jump a gate 4.5-5ft high?

by Guest63507  |  earlier

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A yearling I look after somehow got out of his field and injured himself. there are no gaps in the railings and i can only assume he jumped the gate... but i didn't think it would be possible. he's around 15-15.3hh. what are anyone's thoughts? thank you.




  1. Sure he can.

    Hope he gets better.

  2. Yes.  Depending on athleticism, horses can jump that high and higher.

  3. Yep, they can. And when they get older thay get smart. At my old barn my two geldings were in a pasture of their own that shared a fence line with two mares. There was a gate between the two pastures and Jazz (being the lover boy that he is) learned how to open the gate and let the mares in. Everyong had problems opening the gate but him. He did it at least once a week untill we moved him.

    I would not be suprised in the least if he jumped it.

  4. Yeah! We had a yearling named Dex come to my barn for boarding. A month later he had started jumping the electric fence witch is around 4foot to 5 foot. Once he got out he would just roam around making new friends. Dex was probably around 16h ish. He was big for a baby. Probably because he had alot of draft in him.

  5. I have seen four month old colts successfully jump and scramble over 3 1/2 foot stall doors.  For a yearling the size of your horse, a 4 ft plus gate is certainly possible.

    Is your yearling in with other horses?  If so, I would suspect that he didn't jump it on purpose.  Often young horses get cornered and choose to jump instead of being kicked or attacked by another horse.  My best friend's two year old cleared a five foot gate without leaving a mark on herself when she was cornered in a slightly narrow area by a more dominant gelding.

    What makes you so certain he didn't go over the fence itself?  is it higher than the gate?  Consider that the most likely places a horse will jump are small areas where they could be cornered, low spots, or areas facing another group of horses.

    So I would say "yes, your young horse positively COULD have jumped the gate, either on purpose or because he was desperate and needed to escape."  I would try him again in the pasture, but if he continues to escape you need to either put a top electric wire on the pasture, or else consider whether he would do better with different pasture mates.  You're fortunate he got off without serious injuires, hopefully it won't happen again, but with horses there is no guarantee!

  6. even if he could not jump it cleanly, he could jump it and scrambel over it...which is probably how he got injured.  i would suggest running a tight strand of electric TAPE (not wire) across the top board to discourage his monkey business with the fence/gate.  Also, make sure he is not turned out by himself...he needs a buddy.

  7. lol YES i have a 12.3 HH yearling QH  and i watched her clear a 4.5 ft fence

  8. once he has jumped that high, he will do it again, my friend had to build a private paddock for her horse that was 6.5feet tall all around!

  9. Of course they have very strong legs which helps them go higher and further you should trie getting a higher fence and maybe start training him for jumping.

  10. Oh yes, they can jump it if they want to!  I had an Appaloosa colt, six months old who tried to jump over his stall gate, and it was 4' tall!  He almost made it but instead just scraped up his legs, nothing serious but frustrating still.  He's currently out on the jumping circuit.  Some horses just love to jump and will "go for it" on anything they choose.  You've probably got a good jumping prospect.

  11. psh, yah! my cuz has a 14hh  yearling paint stud, and he cleared 6 ft round pen panels!

  12. Yes very much so especially if they feel lonely and want to join a group of other horses.  Yearlings especially TBs which are bred and used for jumping seem to have the courage and athleticism (because they are so tall and lanky).  My appendix when he was a yearling jumped a 5 ft panel uphill.  A few months later he jumped a cross section of fence to join his favorite buddy.

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