
Could a beginner handle riding a Buell XB9S?

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Could a beginner handle riding a Buell XB9S?




  1. Personally, I would start with a used bike in the 500 - 800 CC range.  Something in a standard or cruiser bike as they are more forgiving than a sport bike.  Make your mistakes on this bike.  You would feel pretty bad if you dropped your shiny new Buell, not so bad if it was an older used bike.

    Take a motorcycle safety course.

    After you get some experience, sell your starter bike.  If you don't abuse it and keep it maintained, you won't lose much money on it.  Then you can get your shiny new Buell

    Ride safe - Have Fun.

  2. No. Too fast, too much torque, too much bike. Start on a Blast

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