
Could a black hole be a juction or a doorway between universes?

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  1. Some people believe that this is how Aliens reach our star system, which in tying to reach another star system from ours would literally take generations. if you understand light speed.

  2. Since most people believe there was a Big Bang that started with a singularity. Why couldn't Black Holes be the creator of Universes? Mass is crushed into a singularity within the Black Hole with infinite mass. Maybe that singularity spawns a new Universe. What if we are just one Universe floating in an ocean of many!

  3. once you get past the crushing force of the hole, it just might be. i just don't go for the whole bottomless pit myth

  4. Ive heard  of that...and it may involve worm holes and such.

  5. no, not a chance.

    what made you think so?

    I hope it wasn't some TV sci-fi show... they really don't do 'science', just 'fiction'.

    black holes are bad news.  probably the only good thing i ever heard about one is that they may evaporate.

    I guess "The only good Black Hole is an evaporated one."

  6. It could be, but then just about anything "could be".  Is there any reason to think black holes are doorways to other universes?  This is an interesting hypothesis.  Perhaps when more data become available this idea could be explored.

  7. yes, not only that it could be a path way back to this universe but where everythings different, they can also be a pathway for time travel, I would love to travel thraough a black hole I know it's impossible blah blah but the earth was flat once...

    I hope the star i gave you doesn't turn supanova

  8. That is a very good question, since there is no scientific evidence that disproves it and there are always theories. Einstein had a theory that black holes could be used as time travel to shorten distances of trips using a space craft. Or a black hole could just be a dead star that collapses and sucks in all available mass around it growing to be gigantic which is a view of many astronomers today. If a black hole was a portal into another dimension it would be one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time and could mean exploration of a whole different universe. Einstein knowledge of light is fascinating if his theory of space travel is really possible.

  9. That is one theory.

    Another theory is that a black hole is where a star collapsed to a singularity with almost infinite mass.

    another theory is that black holes are where God divided by zero. ;-)

  10. Stephen Hawking proposed this idea when he first discovered black holes, but has recently admitted that he was wrong. Black holes are now believed to emit "Hawking radiation" and eventually disappear.

  11. Some people do believe this.  However, I believe that it is just a supermassive star, which has a gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape it's grasp.

    However, this worries me because when something gets pulled into a black hole, then it becomes more massive, which increases the force of the gravitational pull.  In which case, is this the sealed fate our planet is soon forced to encounter?

  12. Maybe, if a black hole can pull in light then that means it's force is "faster" than light.  It's already been proved that the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time is experienced.  So going past the speed of light, in theory, would make you go back in time.

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