
Could a civil war in the states happen again?

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With all the disagreements, could another civil war happen? A lot of you people say well 90% of american dont support the war, will that very flase, its about 60/50. So could things really lead to that?




  1. No, at least not the same kind of war as the other Civil War.  People have migrated so much that there isn't the loyalty to a state or region of the country like there was in the 1860s and no issue really divides the nation along regional lines.  That's not to say there couldn't be some kind of anarchist uprising but that would more closely resemble a revolt than a civil war.

  2. I believe it can and I've said it for years.  With all the illegal aliens coming into the U.S. and taking the jobs away... natural born AmeriKans can't feed their families or put gas in their cars... when the GLOBAL WARMING destroys the crops AND THERE IS NO FOOD... it could easily spark a Civil War.

    There have been FOOD RIOTS in Washington and New York in the past... except most AmeriKans don't know about it because AmeriKans don't know history... their OWN or anyone elses.

  3. Very unlikely.  Society has to be riven with cleavages before it can split apart and go to war with itself.

    In stable societies other cleavages cut across thus minimising any potential split.

    For example; in Holland Protestants and Catholics live side by side - not apart, so any the lack of a geographic cleavage negates the religious one.

    In the US there is a slight cultural difference between North and South, but other divisions, religious, state and historic also divide people beyond a simple North / South rivalry.

    Further to that are the things that bind together - culture, TV, roads, rail and air travel all work against division.

    For a new civil war the divisions have to have political and military weight - and the US is very strong federally (why would anyone want to secede?) and the military is quite happy with the status quo.

    So I can't see a civil war happening unless something momentous changes the US political landscape for the worse.

  4. I don't know you'd call it a civil war, or another revolution.

    The middle class is going down the toilet because of republican fiscal irresponsibility, and our free market economy that doesn't work in a global economy of diverse governments.

    When we get down to just the haves and have-nots, the fuse will probably be lit.

  5. Your answer is no, to tell you the truth, the Goverment, has there nose so far up other Countrys' asses, that they can't  or won't see what is going on with there own Country.  If anything, it might trun out American people against the Goverment, becuase they don't want to lesten to the Little Man.  Does that help you in any way?  

  6. I believe so, yes.  If (or when) it happens, it will likely be between the illegal immigrants and the people who are bothered by that, or it could even come down to a war between the Republicans and the Democrats.  Like it or not, the infrastructure of our government is weakening.  Tensions are building between so many different groups and it is turning towards violence (the shooting of the Arkansas Democratic chair man, for example).  Things are starting to fall out of total unity as well. Texas has already tried once to break away and become a separate nation, and it will likely try again. It won't happen right away, but it's a definite possibility.  All it takes is one major catastrophic event and then the domino effect takes hold.  Everything falls apart.  America is no exception to that repeat in history.  For those of you who disagree, take a good long look at history.  The American Revolution, the Civil War, even the Fall of Rome or the diminishing of the British Empire proves that once change starts, it doesn't stop.  And it's inevitable.

  7. My question about a civil war in the U.S. always comes down to this:  Who would you shoot first?  Would you shoot your mayor, or your congressman, or your senator, or the President?  Would you shoot your boss at work, or a CEO of an oil company, or a teacher at school or college?  More importantly: would you be willing to accept responsibility for these acts?  I don't believe that many of us would make that sacrifice.  

  8. Well we did not in 2000 when Bush stole the election so I doubt it....

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