
Could a cockatiel eat say some bread or meat or even crackers broken up very small so they won't choke????????

by  |  earlier

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my bird is not picky either she will eat anything from parakeet food to cockatiel food please help me with your best answers thank-you (:




  1. here is a website that I hope helps answers questions about what table foods you can feed your cockatiel.

  2. You shouldn't feed a cockatiel meat or crackers.  Crackers have a lot of salt and cockatiels can't have any salt.  Bread might be OK but you should call a vet or a bird expert and ask them if bread would be OK.  Good luck!

  3. They will eat all of that...and you don't have to "break it up"! They have sharp little beaks and can break or pull off anything they want! Best of luck! kjl.

  4. I wouldn't feed a cockatiel meat, but tiny pieces of bread or cracker as a treat sometimes wouldn't hurt. My cockatiel loves bits of pizza crust occasionally.

  5. yup but i dont think it will eat meat

  6. Sure, my cockatiel would share my sandwiches with me and his favorite things to munch on was whole wheat soda crackers.  You don't need to break it up though, they can break it up just fine on their own.  They can eat meat too, chicken or turkey is alright, hard boiled eggs are excellent for them.  I wouldn't give ham because of the sodium content and beef is high in fat.  They can eat small amounts of cheese, they love veggies and some can be persuaded to eat fruits.  Cooked rice, pasta and lentils are all also very good.

  7. I wouldn't feed a cockatiel red meat, but cooked chicken is fine. My cockatiels loved cooked eggs, as well--boiled, not fried, please. A bit of toast would be good, or a little cracker, or cooked pasta without sauce, or even a little potato. The bird will bite off bits it can handle. A little fruit or vegetable is OK, too, but watch out for diarrhea if you're feeding something with high water content. Make sure nothing is HOT when you put it in the cage. Of course seed sprays are very popular, and you can sprout greens from fresh seeds that your bird will enjoy.

    These birds eat bugs in the wild, but live food only scared my cockatiels (I tried meal worms and other insects, through the years, all without success.)

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