
Could a ghost use the internet, and have a yahoo answers account?

by  |  earlier

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Could a ghost use the internet, and have a yahoo answers account?




  1. Frank? Is that you? But you were supposed to be dead.....

  2. I think they could..but they would have to get inside a human who hadn't died yet. I know some people don't believe they can get inside you..but I believe they can and do. wasn't such a dumb question after least not to me..but then  some say I ask silly questions.  (Have you ever wondered why they call alcohol "spirits"???)

  3. i am a ghost.


    i'm a gonna get yoouuu!

  4. Nah, I don't think they could. That'd be weird though if they could.

  5. yeah hello!!!!! =]

  6. Well last year I once had a deceased loved one's site come up on it's own... (And I'm a skeptic who tried to figure out how, but to no avail.) But I doubt he'd be capable of extensive internet use.

    Although "other side email" would  be nice. ; )

  7. Since ghosts exist beyond the normal plane of existence I doubt if any really would want to.

    I have heard stories of people getting phone calls and such from loved ones just moments before they are notified their loved one just died.

    There is a reason for this. In my opinion the loved one does not want to terrify their beloved by just appearing when they are not known to be dead , so they use the phone or other means to just say they are alright.


  8. yes it can use the Internet,just like it can use the bathroom.

  9. Who told you about that?!


    I mean, ha ha! No! Of course not, how silly!

  10. That is so **** RETARDED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. OMG! all the operators  are busy  on heaven so  i  had  to  come down and  use a crappy  computer AGAIN , so  that i can ask  all questions i want  !  Mmmmm (Oh whats  that  you are doing  to your clothes , i can see you from here!

  12. i'm dead, and i'm doing it

  13. are you a ghost?

  14. Sure, just like God uses a cell phone to talk to the Pope.  Give me a break!  Modern technology is worth next to nothing on the supernatural plane.

  15. im not sure about that one hun

  16. yes...

  17. if ghosts are real then they obviously could duh

  18. Ghosts don;t use the internet but aliens do.They watch everything you write.They proberly know where you live too.Don;t write anything nasty about them or they may come and abduct you.

  19. That all depends on if this paranormal encounter ever really happend, or you just got weirded out by your computer doing something weird, or your just 20 years old and posting dumb questions.

  20. Sure....and I'm pretty sure one was washing my underwear in the sink while watching Spongebob last night.

  21. No, i dont think they could. I mean i think that when they communicate with us by using electronics and stuff they can use your account to do it. but no, i dont think they can have their own account and use it.

  22. Who do you think is using my account?

    [seriously, if a ghost can press keyboard, buttons, then it can surely use internet or have a YA account]

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