
Could a girl get pregnant without condom? .and just pulling it out quick.?

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OK, so today i had s*x with ma boyfriend. and at first we did it with condoms. but then he was like can i feel it without condoms . cause i really want to then we had s*x without condoms for like 1 minute .pulling in and out . can i be pregnant ? because i didn't see no sperm coming out .i washed it after that . and he said he didn't see nothing coming out ? and he didn't feel it or anything for me and him is like if no sperm came out ...but i m really scared right now CAN I BE PREGNANT. and i am a teenager and him 2 but he is 3 years older than me ..CAN I BE PREGNANT ?




  1. It's like basketball you dribble before you shoot.

  2. Yeah, there's a change from pre-*** etc. so you could be. You should have used a condom, to quote the advert...

  3. yes you can be pregnant. your boyfriend could have released this fluid that you can't see but it contains some sperm. keep in mind you can't always see sperm.  i'm a teenager too and i might have s*x with my boyfriend. but we're going to be smart and not try without the condom unless i have been on birth control. :-p  

  4. yes you can definitely get pregnant like that.  Go and get the morning after pill

  5. YES. Boys don't notice when the pre-ejaculation takes place, such fluid contains sperm. Also note that the p***s lubricates itself during intercourse and these fluid also has a little amount of sperm, this is tghe reason why the "pullout" method is a big failure. Before having s*x you have to educate yourself on all these things and your partner too!

    Do a pregnancy test 14 days after intercourse and repeat it 5 days after.

  6. Yes.  Its incredibly likely to get pregnant that way.  Since you had just had s*x, the amount of sperm in his pre-*** would have been much higher than normal.  The guy never feels when he "leaks" this seminal fluid.  He would have had no idea that it even happened.

  7. Don't trust what he says, he CAN feel it.

    And you can absolutely get pregnant if you weren't using a condom. Is that really a question??

    Before you have s*x, get educated.

    Be smart.

  8. You can get pregnant at anytime wihtout using protection,

    there is always a possibility

  9. yea..that's how my first kid happened..

  10. yes, you probably are.

  11. yes you can now go get emergency contraception from family planning, your gp, or your local chemist.


  12. Yes you can be. The clear fluid that comes out of his p***s during s*x contains sperm. The fluid is called seminal fluid. You could very well be pregnant, congratulations.

  13. thrs a possibility

    but boys can feel when there ejaculating

    but even if he didnt entirley ejaculate precum can contain sperm

    and there is a chance of pregnancy from that

  14. Yes, you could still be pregnant although the chance is very slim. Pregnancy can still occur without ejaculation because of the pre-*** which does contain sperm. You should make smarter decisions.A child is something that you'll have for life.Protect yourself. If you are going to have s*x, don't let any guy coerce you into doing it unprotected. Also always use a second backup method, like the pill.

  15. Yes, there is a chance of pregnancy.  Next time insist on the condom.  If he loves and cares about you then he will not put you in this dangerous situation again.  Stand up for yourself.

  16. The pull out method doesn't work. Any time a p***s is in a v****a, prenancy can ocurr.

  17. There is always a risk if he was not wearing a condom.  Don't freak out, but definitely be smarter next time.  Good Luck.

  18. there is something called pre-ejaculation, it is when a little bit of cu*m comes out before he ejaculates. he can't feel it, but it's sometimes enough to get you pregnant-depending on if it's around the time you ovulate (around 14 days before you get your period), because you can only get preggers if he comes in you during this time. It's not as likely you'd get pregnant from this as you would if he fully came in you but theres still a chance.

    seeing as he was only in you for a couple minutes, i doubt you have anything to worry about.

    Please, PLEASE, use protection(condoms and contraceptive pills/patch/nuva ring.....or else sooner or later you will have an unexpected pregnancy. Or worse, an STD, and trust me, many people you know have them, especially the ones you least expect-they are way, waaaaaaay too easy to get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    good luck and please be safe!!!!!

  19. yes u have 75% chances of getting pregnant,u can wait till u miss ur periods than have a home pregnancy test if u r not pregnant than do not take this risk again always use protection however condoms r not 100%.


  20. If you are geniunely that frightened about being pregnant - go get the morning after pill.  

  21. You can get pregnant whenever you have s*x.

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