
Could a home in upstate NewYork be self sufficient in regards to energy?

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Could a standard sized 3 bedroom home go "off the grid" by using solar panels on the roof and wind turbines in the backyard? Heating during winter could be produced by wood burning space heaters and cookstoves, and solar water heating systems. If a 3 bedroom bungalow in upstate New York could become wholly independent of the power grid, what would it cost? Assume the household uses 20,000 watt hours per day (space heating exempt from calculation, as is water heating)




  1. The energy necessary to run a house in that area is certainly obtainable from wind and solar.  But a more important factor than the location on the earth is how the home is situated on the site.  If it's an existing home it can  be retrofitted to some extent..  Building from scratch makes it possible to maximize energy availability.  New technology is being developed, literally,  daily.  

    As for cost, you'll need to have someone visit the site who can make recommendations and give you an idea of that.  Alternative energy depends so much on the exterior setting of the home that it is far less 'one size fits all'  than traditional systems.

    Keep in mind that once you become energy independent, any excess energy you produce can be sold back to the power company- your meter runs backwards- at the same price they charge you.  Also, consider the length of time it will take the system to pay you back and any  tax benefits your state may offer. And, remember than 'green' homes are seen as more valuable on the market.

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