
Could a mouth piece that moves the lower jaw forward help me?

by  |  earlier

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I saw an add on tv the other day for a mouth piece designed to help people to stop snoring by holding the lower jaw slightly forward. I don't snore, but ...when I was a kid my orthodontist told me that I needed to have my lower jaw broken and reset because it is too far back or something? Well my family couldn't afford that so I never had it done. It doesn't really bother me now, except for that I sometimes have trouble breathing well at night unless I hold my lower jaw forward. But then once I fall asleep my jaw goes back to its normal position and I can't breath well again. Do you think that anti snoring mouthpiece could help me breath better at night if it will keep my jaw forward all night? And does anyone know what they are called (I live in the US, so please tell me a brand I can get here), because I forgot from the commercial!




  1. If you are growing then yes, i you are older than 16 years then no not at all

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