
Could a movie based of the entire bible, be a good movie?Why or why not?

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Can you take your politics out and try to think of it in terms of would it be a good movie or not?Who would be the best director for this kind of project?What studio would be the best place for it in terms of budget and marketing?

Could some director or studio take the bible and have all of its books made into a movie from Genesis to the book of revelations.I know it probably be 6 or 7 hours to watch, but I have sit through all the godfather movies and much longer ones and it didn't bother me.Think about all the star power that could possibly be in it though.Has it ever been made before?




  1. The formulae for successful movies is not the same formulae for successful religous documents.

    There have been many successful movies made from Bible stories (The 10 Commandments, The Greatest Story Ever Told, David, Passion of the Chist, Etc. )

    However, much of the Bible is non-narrative (list of laws, Psalms, who begat who, etc.). How would one dramatize Numbers (widely acknowledged as the most boring book of The Bible)? Or Deuteronomy?

    The book of Judges alone would take several hours to tell.

    Then when you get to the New Testament: would you tell the story of Christ Four different times, with slight variations the way Mathew, Mark, Luk and John do?

    It took over 600 years for the Bible to be compiled into the form we now recognize. You think an inclusive scipt could be made out of that?

    I think we'll get a lot more Batman movies and remakes of bad TV shows.

    Coming Soon: Dictionary the MOVIE-Starring every word every invented!!!

  2. It would probably need to be broken up into a saga, but it would be good, I think, if done well enough.

  3. that would be a really boring movie.

    and i would think that only super religious people would go and see it.

  4. There are 66 books in the bible, and for good reason nobody has ever tried to make the entire bible into a movie or a series of movies. It would be like making a movie of the complete works of Shakespeare, including the sonnets.

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