
Could a one person spaceship make it to the Moon?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking about those stories about people going over Niagara falls in a wooden barrel and i started to think about a one man space capsule and going to the Moon in one, the Moon is only a few days away and just to get there and make an orbit and head back would be kind of fun, well barring the odds of dying i think it would be kind of fun.




  1. why not? space probes have made it to the moon with no ppl at all on board, controlled by robots.

  2. well it was a one man flight that was the first maned orbit around the earth so yes why not a one man jurney around the moon. and thair was just an episode on mythbusters about the men on the moon and gess what. busted.

  3. Well now adays maybe you can.

    But back to neil armstrong they coudn't , even proffesionals coudnt get to the moon, so they invented a scenario showing the fake arrival to the moon

  4. If it's properly designed, sure, why not? Unmanned probes have made it. There's no reason why a manned vehicle would need more than one person.

  5. there's nothing in science which says you can't, you just need to plan it out in vary vary specific detail.

  6. It's certainly possible, and in fact easier because it would weigh less, needing to bring along supplies for only one person in stead of two or three. However, if that person gets sick or is hit with a situation he isn't prepared for, then it's curtains, whereas if there are others on the craft, they might be able to step in and save the day.

    I think I would be able to stare at the Earth and be entertained by that alone over the course of the journey to and from the Moon, but a lot of people would get bored silly all alone that far out.

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