
Could a portal have been opened in our house? Only people who believe in spirits please?

by Guest62155  |  earlier

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My family and I never had anything happen in our home or around us until my uncle was killed. The day after he was killed we were sitting down at the dinning table and the radio kept turning on, but we couldn't understand it, it was just alot of static with a voice in the background. Things started to happen and that was almost 3 years ago. We have doors open/close, electronics turn off and on, pictures flying acrossed rooms. Even my older brother (21) who was a total non believer has gotton scared in our home. I experience the most though, but everyone experiences something. We've all seen the same man too, but none of us never knew until a couple months ago. I was wondering if my uncle passing away could have opened a portal. I know how weird this must sound but all of us are wondering, we're all starting to get really scared. My bed room has the most activity also so I'm really scared. I never even knew my uncle. Thanks. Please no people saying this is dumb and I'm lying.




  1. Well, I'm not psychic, so I don't know what it is.  But you definitely should try to get rid of it.  The most common thing that works is getting a native American shaman to bless the house, Native American Shamans are also really gifted in getting rid of portals.

  2. NO SPIRIT BOARDS OR OUIJA BOARDS...demons lie and will tell you anything that you want to hear to get out, and once they are out, it can cause some serious trouble.  SERIOUSLY!

    I don't think you have a portal due to your uncle's death, what you probably have is SOME spiritual activity as well as some explainable activity. You can bless the house, you local priest will do it, or you can burn sage and say your own blessing.  There are a few other things that you can do too, you can burn a white candle and tell the spirit that they have passed on and to go to the light, you can get a recorder and walk around the house and ask questions and see if you can collect some EVP's, go through the house with a digital camera and take random pictures to see if you can catch something, or you could get someone local to come in and check the house for you and help you do what needs to be done.  I think what you have is a manifestation of your uncle's energy, trying to show itself.  There's no need to be scared, good luck to you.

  3. no, the portal thing is silly.

    I think you believe in spirits and are willing to view anything you cant immediatly explain as something else as a spirit.

    The most common mechanisms for spirit activity seem to be sleeping disorders and over active imaginations.

    The bible says that when people die they do not come back, ever, no matter what. Job 7:9 as a cloud vanishes and is gone, so he who goes down to the gave will not return. He will come to his house never again, his place will not know him again.

    If you dont want logical and reasonable answers to your question from the science and math category, then you should be asking in myth and folklore, where you will inevidable be able to get answers which confirm your irrational and magical thinking.

    edit: my suggestion is, if you use a ouija board to blind fold the users and turn the board upside down. Then you will know for sure if non-sense comes up that its only in your imagination. If any spirits were there, then surely they would not be blindfolded and could move the planchette to the correct locations on the board, reguardless of the orientation.

  4. I think you should get your house blessed, by a pastor or priest. And check out paranormal investigators in your area. I think they investigate free of charge. If they do find genuine paranormal activity, I'm sure they can put you in contact with someone who can help you. I would do this as soon as possible.

  5. I suggest getting a Ouija.They are easy to get(Toys R Us has them)and inexpensive.Make sure you wear blindfolds when using the planchette.Have someone turn the board every other question.This will insure no "fudging"of the results.You want them as acurate as possible.This might turn into quite a family fun night.

  6. It's very possible yeah. Now, I want to tell you, everything you described--electronics turning on and off, doors opening and closing, that's normal spirit behavior. That just means there's a spirit in your home who desperately wants you to know it's there. My guess is it's your uncle.

    But things flying across the room is the sign of something not so nice. Nice spirit don't throw things at you or try to scare you. My advice? Find a medium who can close portals, you might seek out a spiritualist church, I'm willing to bet they can help you.

  7. You should get a ouija board andf have your family sit down at the dinner table and try to see who it is that is haunting your house.

    If  it is your uncle, he will spell out his name and give you a message.

  8. Unlike some of the (really wacko, baseless) answers here, I will give you one that is based in reality.  You and your family are perceiving a haunting.  The killing of your uncle was a triggering event.  After that occurred your mood was ripe to notice usual things in an unusual way.  Because these things happened after your uncle's death, you made a connection with that event.  Once this connection is made, then everything you notice will only confirm your belief that his death is causing some events.  All it takes is one person to mention it and then all of a sudden  the whole family is in on it, especially if they are superstitious to begin with.

    In order to "clear" the house, you must convince all of the members of your family that some procedure will work.  If everyone is convince of the power of who or whatever it is that will be clearing the house, then I contend to hauntings will stop.

  9. maybe your uncle just around letting you know he still exists

  10. That could be true.  When your uncle passed away, the energy left over from his body might have been dense enough to open a portal to the astral dimension, or the land of souls without bodies.  If it is harassing you like that though, it was probably on lower levels of the astral plane.  Your uncle, if he was a good christian man, probably went to the highest place on the astral plane, the oneness, the light, heaven, God... but the portal his earthly energy opened allowed anything to get through.  Just learn how to control it.  Visit, and look at the articles on the links they give.  It's a new way of looking at energy and it explains a lot.

  11. hi, i tend to relate to john s

    the most activity i have experienced is when people i know die... not all of them but some

    and whats made some of my experiences interesting is things started happening to do with that person before i even knew they had its not an imagination playing tricks on you... sounds like it could be your uncle, why i dont know, thats for you to work out and get some advice from an expert in this field.... from a spirits piont of view, sounds like he is trying to get your attention, you might want to start listening, and taking notes of when it happens and what happens.. he might have a message for one of you, and is just trying to get your attention... remember spirits can no longer communicate as a person, they have no bodies no mouths to talk, so they will use anything to try and get the message through to you.. I bet when you have worked out what he is trying to tell you it will all stop and he will be in peace... im telling  you this from personal experience...

  12. Please do not get a oujia board. They are not something anyone should mess with, you might very well open a portal this way.

    Now as for you issue at hand. Set out a digital recorder. This will caught any sounds made by the ghst that you can not hear. They are called EVPs. Portal is probably not your answer. Poltergist and Haunting is more likly. If you do have negitive energy toward your uncle, meditate on releaseing the negitive out of you body. This can be do by setting in a quit room, breathing in through the nose and invision a rainbow of color coming in with each breath, breath out through the mouth and see black (negitive) leaving your body.  Feel the negitive leaving you.  If you have a poltergist this WILL help.

    If it is a haunting, the digital reorder will give you that answer. You can hear voices, music and other things from other worlds. We are on a different freguancy hen the paranormal, tat is why the white noise on a digital recording device is so important. Where is it you stay? There is a site called paranormal storm hat can help you find a paranormal group in your area. Make sure to check them out first. Check in on some previous cases they have done, what have they done to help things like that.When working with a paranormal group you do not want them to come in provoke your spirits and leave. You need something to help you.

    You yourself can bless your ouse. burn white sage at many locations, use olive oil praying a each window for what ever deity you believe in to keep your house safe and whatever is in the house send back where it belongs. Make sure you use the olive oil at window, doors and all four coners of the property. You might have to do this a couple of times because the first time you are going to be scared, be strong and keep doing it, you get stronger and it will get weaker.

    Good Luck to you and if you need anything let me know.

  13. YEP a portal could have been opened.

    I have some "House guests" or "House ghosts"  LOL

    Check out the proof

    Now about your situation;

    DO NOT use a ouiji board in your home!  DO NOT!!!  OK?

    It can be dangerous if you are not experienced.

    Find someone who knows what they are doing to help you.

  14. On a subconscious level you are angry that you did not get to know your uncle. This repressed anger has manifested into a poltergeist (a culmination of negative energies). You may also have issues with your father. I'd suggest seeing an analytical psychologist to heal your anger and get rid of the poltergeist.

  15. I suspect that this perceived activity is really a result of your family's awareness of your uncle's death and your willingness to accept unexplained activity as evidence of his spirit. All the events you describe can be explained as natural occurrences and power of suggestion, though I would need to question you about the "pictures flying across the room". Often when people use this kind of phrasing, the actual event was that the picture fell down vertically off the shelf, and upon colliding with the floor or some object, it rebounded horizontally for some distance. This would be a natural instance of gravity working on an object, not a ghost.

  16. When some passes on they don't always go away, they will stick around if they feel the need to contact family.  I doubt a portal has opened.  Most likely your uncle is the problem,  he is trying to communicate the best he can.  Sounds like your not trying to listen and he's getting mad and acting out.  Ghosts can get frustrated to the point that they start throwing things.  What you need is to acknowledge that he is getting through.  Try saying "Is that you uncle _____" ,  call him by his name.  He will calm down once he knows that he is get your attention.  

    I would bet that right after he died just a few things happened,  and have been building up over time.  This happened with my mother in law.  Now she just comes and goes now and then and has stopped tossing stuff around.  We just say hi then shes off doing what ever it is that she  does.  You may also try finding a psychic for help.

  17. demonic activity is real, but not your uncle

    I would suggest you stay away from the oujia boards and such that will just make your matters worse.

    find a christian, who honors Jesus, and believes in the power of the LORD and have them pray for you where you meet them.

    the demons will leave,

  18. There could be some normal explanations for at least 2 of these occurrences. Doors could open and close due to house settling and door latches not being tight enough. Electronics could be affected my many things including a possible electrical short in the wiring of the house. You would need to examine (or have examined) these possibilities first. Your apparition and pictures flying (versus falling off walls) are a bit more difficult to explain by normal means.

    Please keep in mind the idea that not all of this activity may be related (one thing could have a normal explanation while another thing does not).

    I have included a link to a web site below for you that list investigating organizations by state.

    Depending on your religious/spiritual beliefs you could also consider having the house blessed or cleansed.

    You might consider keeping a journal and record the dates, times, locations and circumstances of unusual events immediately after they occur.

  19. Find out what kind of person your uncle was and did he like your family. If he was good and didn't have a grudge against the family...then I don't think you need to worry about him.  Maybe you should have a memorial service for him in your house. Say good things about him. If it's him...maybe this will comfort him. (Just an idea...idk).

  20. Portals are rare occurrences and unlikely though it might be it is still in the realm of possibility; however, beyond the mundane explanations it is most likely your uncle trying to communicate something important. Ask him what he wants or find a friend who is psychic to help you find out what he wants. Until he can finish what ever it is that he needs to do he won't move on.

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