
Could a psychic give me a past life reading?

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Could a psychic give me a past life reading?




  1. past lifes arent real!

  2. no, hypnotists usually do that.

  3. yes i can Mr Lincoln but u wouldnt listen to me then when I told u to skip the theater so u wont listen to me now

  4. no

  5. No doubt someone could make up a nice story to tell you but as there is no evidence to prove psychic ability or that we have more than one life it would be nothing more than a work of fiction.

  6. Sure, there are lots of people who will give you past life readings if you are willing to pay. Try a few people and see if thier stories match. I doubt they will, since anyone could make up just about anything about your past lives and you would no way of knowing.

    Honestly, I think the concept of reincarnation is rather silly, but hey, I have trouble remembering what I had for breakfast, much less what happened 30 or 40 years ago (before I was born).

  7. Look at who raised you.  Everything that has gone before in 5 Billion years of existence is in you right now.  Past lives only give us the tools to do what is good and right now.  Pattern yourself after the best in your background, and you can do the best at any given task.  Past lives?  How about the many lives we have inside of us...for real.  Any of these can come to your aid.

  8. You are a person who is very inquisitive, always looking for answers. Though to others you may appear self-assured, underneath, you can lack confidence, and often wonder about your own ability.

    You are a very affectionate person but you hate to be tied down. The connection between romantic love and physical attraction is still a bit of a mystery to you, but others don't see this.

    Study is sometimes easy, sometimes difficult. If something appears difficult to you, you will try to find excuses to put it off for a little while. You procrastinate often.

    You like everything to be perfect, but can still be accepting if things are not quite as you would like. You like socialising with friends - indeed this is the thing you most like to do.  Being with friends takes you out of yourself and gives you a sense of well-being.

    The upcoming year will see a major problem concerning your finances. However, you can expect a new relationship, and an exciting new challenge ahead.

  9. No. This is because you won't find a real psychic.

  10. yes..

    You were here then and you are here now.

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