
Could a small woman who is extremely well trained in MMA beat up an untrained guy in a street fight?

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Assuming no weapons are used.




  1. Yep:;...

  2. yes my sister is 5ft 2inch and is not trained in martial arts and has KOd 4 guys while i've been with her, and one of them was about 6ft 3inch and around 17 stone, if you hit them hard enough on the tip of the chin they'll fall, i am trained but never had to protect her, she can defend her own believe it, so if you are trained you'll have a better chance

  3. Yes. Absolutely no doubt about it. I would say, as long as the male was not also well trained in mma and the only deciding factor was their power and weight.

    Good question though :)

  4. I think it’s possible but not because she trains MMA or because he doesn’t.

    If we’re talking; one on one, approximate same weight class, nobody decided to pick up a weapon and he doesn’t break any of the rules in the competition she trains for sure!

    I’m always suspicious of sports that pose as martial art. The sport itself is fine. And it’s possible that the people who do them could be world class warriors. But it’s just as often true of the guy who works at your local corner store. Can people who do MMA use the skills they’ve learned there to defeat someone who attacks them? Sure! But an NFL lineman could use the things he learned in his sport too, and we might not argue as hard about it being martial in nature.

    MMA groups disallow a lot of things that work when you’re attacked. A lot of these are exactly the things martial artists train to do. As others have said it’d have a lot to do with the relative skills of each person… but that’s always true isn’t it?

  5. A woman extremely well trained in MMA could absolutely take on someone who was untrained. Even if he was a so called 'street fighter.' Street fighters are undisciplined thugs with no real skills to be speak of. Just about anyone who trains should be able to dispatch of someone like this relatively easily. Unless of course they were physical freaks, with a ridiculous strength and size advantage. But in the scenario presented in this question, I'd bet on the chick.


  6. Yep, definitely.

    I rear choked a bigger guy once.

  7. yah the girl probabaly win

  8. Absolutely.  No question about it.

  9. not a guy who is a street fighter,im not talking about gangs who jump you in groups im talking a street fighter

  10. How big is the guy, how untrained is he?  If he's like 300 lbs then no way, all he has to do is sit on her and she's toast.  Now if he's about 120, she might have a chance.

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