
Could a student that doesn't like to communicate or participate in class be placed in special ed classes?

by Guest57243  |  earlier

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Could a student that did not communicate and participate in elementry be placed in special ed classes when he or she enters Middle school?




  1. Not that I know of, but they can be placed in alternitive

  2. How much intervention has been done? Is the student able to communicate? What do you mean Not Participate?

    Talk to teacher-has s-team been done? has testing been done? many questions to be answered before going into special ed.

  3. Depends on the testing. I would have a problem that needs to be addressed in order for a successful placement. Make sure there is not a bigger issue.

  4. As the others have said, much more information is needed here.  Every behavior, or lack of, occurs for a reason.  Is the person painfully shy, do they have communiction or social delays, how are they doing on classwork, tests, etc. Evaluation and observation would have to be done (with the parents permission) before any placement would be considered.  Also, there are shades of special services, pull outs, resource and then extended resource or SpEd.

    A very important consideration in FAPE is the least restrictive environment.

  5. The only way the student would be able to qualify is if a doctor can diagnose the student with some sort of health impairment and if the diagnostician can show that his disability is hindering his education. They can't just qualify on classroom behavior alone.

  6. As the others have stated, more information is needed.  To receive special education services a student must meet state criteria for a disability under state law.  So, could this student have a disability?  It is possible that testing could show that they have a speech/language disability if they struggle with speaking or possibly an emotional/behavioral disability if they refuse to follow school rules and engage in class.  Talk to the child's teacher and see what the process in the school is for determining this.

  7. More information is needed,but these could be symptoms of aspergers syndrome.Thse people have problems with social interaction,and communication.

  8. There is no short answer.

    Far more details are needed.  What do you mean "did not communicate"?  Did not speak - at all?  Painfully shy?

    What do you mean "did not participate" Did not get good grades? Never raised her hand?

  9. The ONLY reason a child is placed in special ed is that if the child has a problem that impedes learning and/or prevents the child from recieveing FAPE.

    A child can not qualify for special ed just for not communicating UNLESS this problem is keeping him from learning.

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