
Could a vegetarian eatl a chicken?

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This is really for vegetarians. If you were told to eat a chicken otherwise another chicken would be killed could you do it?




  1. And when, in everyday life, would I come across this hypothetical situation?

    I wouldn't eat meat unless I was starving and there was absolutely nothing else consumable.

  2. Wouldn't be much of a vegetarian if you ate a chicken, now would you?  They will be killed and eaten by others that love to eat dead animals so it is a no brainer.  I don't have to eat it so if you would want to kill it to eat it, go for it.  Eat that dead animal.

  3. That is a silly argument. Other people are going to eat chicken anyway. So if I eat a chicken, no one in the world will ever eat a chicken again? How dumb would you have to believe that one?

  4. Sorry, but these stupid hypothetical questions really bug me.  However, honestly, I do not believe I could put a dead animal in my moulth. I get sick just thinking of it.

    But that's just me, I can't speak for all vegetarians.

  5. no because they're going to kill the chicken anyway, I highly doubt it will become someones pet later on,

    if you eat meat no matter the circomstance then it goes against everything about being a vegetarian,

    good question though

  6. i like the 'by not eating a chicken you are saving one' bit. makes me smile. but of course a veggie could eat a chicken. its not like theres a secret club where you are killed for eating meat....or is there? >:D

  7. Well, based on your choice, but I would say yes, considering that the first chicken is already dead and a chicken with a life would be denied of its life because of your acts. Actually, I'm vegetarian (I'm sure I'll get c**p for this) but since I am going to guatemala and am staying with a family who will serve me beef and chicken, I have given up my vegetarianism for the past 3 weeks to build up the "meat" bacteria in my stomach. wootwoot.

  8. Uhh no. Meat is repulsive to me by now. I know that might sound silly to some, but its true. I cant even drive by Mcdonalds without gagging....I wouldnt even eat meat in an emergency matter what it was.

  9. Well, either way a chicken dies. I'm a vegetarian, and that is a very close call. But I would say no, because that other chicken would most likely die anyway. And by not eating chicken, you are saving one.

  10. This is a very far fetched hypothetical quesion because either way a chicken is going to die. I am a vegetarian, so no I would not eat a chicken and I would do what I could to try to save the other.

  11. Kinda joke. Rephrase your Q in this way. Replace the nonhuman animal with human animal. Read now.

    Things are different in those days. In the gnostic religion doctrine ever said..."you should able to sacrifice your own son for the sake of the world". What was really mean? Selfish or selfless?

  12. I wouldn't.

    I'd just smack the person upside the head with the live chicken.

  13. I couldn't I'd vomit!!

  14. What a ridiculous question.

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