
Could a woman ever win a PGA Tour event?

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Could a woman ever win a PGA Tour event?
The major concern in golf world today is the gender line and it takes the form of the question: Could a woman ever win a PGA Tour event?
The question has been debated for a long time now. The curious thing is that while both men and women players have been invited to play in each other events, the practice is mostly frowned upon. There are social and cultural restraints that are still strong
in many societies of the world.
Traditionally, golf events for men and women have been held separately. There are an equal number of tours and playing opportunities for both the genders. This is the results of centuries of social and cultural developments that have cumulated into the present
day sports etiquette.
These rules of gender segregations have not been considered counterproductive for many years. Even the recent efforts in making the society free and more open have not encroached on them.
All this is about to change as many young women golfers have started to express their desire to play on PGA as full card carrying members. The voices are muted for now and the number of women players is still small, but these statistics would only go in
the upward direction.
One example is the well known Michelle Wie.
The upcoming golfer has built herself quite a steady reputation and is now considered to be a future golf superstar.
The 22-year-old player already has 2 pro wins to her credit and shows no signs of slowing down. She has stirred up many controversies in her short career but this one is the most debated on.
Michelle Wie wants to compete in men’s tournaments on equal footing. This is something that many golfers and golf commentators frown on.
Sherri Steinhauer, another female golfer with 9 pro wins to her credit, said, “It's hard for me to comprehend where Michelle is coming from. She wants to play in the Masters. I never would have thought of that as a youngster growing up”.
The notion of women as PGA members is very alien to many golfers from both genders. Many say that this will completely demolish the present golf structure in the world.
There are separate governing bodies for men and women golf players. These bodies hold their own tournaments that are exclusive for their members and for the gender they belong to.
The critics say that if this cross gender card carrying members’ approach were allowed, this whole structure would collapse and the resultant damage to golf could be irreparable.
Some experts say that this change is inevitable and it is just a matter of time before a women player qualifies for a place on PGA.
Peter Jacobsen, a respected golfer who has 22 pro wins in his career, said, “Maybe a couple women are going to go to the tour school and get their cards and play on the men's tour. I would say it will happen in three to five years. I think Michelle Wie's
got a great shot”.
What this question means for the sport of golf?
The experts are still considering the various aspects of the phenomenon. At present, there are women players who are doing their best to qualify for a PGA card. So far, none has succeeded. This could change anytime and the question will capture the limelight
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent's official editorial policy.



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