
Could an event like The Holocaust ever occur again?

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Do you think in these times such a horrific event could ever be allowed to happen again?




  1. In Indonesia,  Christian  Churches are burned regularly  just as the n***s did to Jewish Synagogues. Christians are regularly mass murdered ,  yet the  atrocities aee hardly reported in the world press because  it does not want to offend muslims.; Muslims are regularly murdering non muslims in addition to their  own. fratricide./ There is a silent war going on between islamists and the rest of the world.  That is radical islamists are taught to be martyrs by  killing the  "" infidels."" That is taught in islamist schools in Pakistan  and also funded by the Saudi Government around the world, including the US. Saudi Arabia does that to avoid itself being targeted by the Al Quaeda and company./ 9/11 suiciders were mainly Saudis.  Oil is being used by the Saudis to  manipulate the silent war against the ïnfidels."

  2. The scary thing is there was an actual test done with people to see if they would hurt people even if they thought it could kill them.  It was a fake electrical shock and the people were not able to see the other person only hear their screams and pleads.  The instructor was able to get almost all the participants to keep giving the shocks just by instructing them to do so.  Although this type oftest is no longer permitted it showed how easily people can be persuaded to do something as horrific as what occurred in the Holocaust.  This is why we need to make sure we never forget to question authority when we feel they are in the wrong and to remember to think for ourselves and not allow others to persuade us to do anything we feel is wrong.   The Holocaust will and should remain a constant reminder of what can happen when we don't.

  3. Ever hear about Saddam Hussein and the Kurds?  Give him more time and that would have been a yes.

    How about Myanmar (AKA Burma)?

  4. Absolutely. There are holocaust like occurrences in Africa right now. But in the U.S.A. all of our concerns are going to the recession happening.

  5. it has been happening ,vietcong killing southern vietnamese,


  6. Possibly......but not too likely. We are smart enough to avoid another tragic event in history.

  7. There is no doubt at all that an event such as the Holocaust is possible these days. The KKK has more members today than it did in the 70's. Although it is probably more difficult in more stable countries seeing as security has tightened, hate crimes are still rather common.

  8. yes, it will happen to christian people in the rapture. if you dont beleive what they tell you to beleive, you will be killed.

  9. I think so, especially in countries that have harsher or less-free governments or under-developed countries.

    In terms of the amount of brutal killing, it happens every day in various areas of Africa that are at war with each other.  Uganda is one country in example.  Watch "Hotel Rwanda" for an example of brutal mass killing between fellow country-men.

  10. history if full of wars that couldn't happen - It can happen again and more than likely it will - only this time who will be who in it.

    people need to understand that it has happened more than once and far worse than WWII - I mean the Russians did it - h**l a larger percentage of countries have done it than haven't or have something like it in there past.

    Maybe the next one will be the Jews doing it to someone else or the muslims doing it to someone or the christians or fascists or whatever is thought of next.

    What amazes me is that most people think that Genocide never happend before WWII - it happened before and on just as large a scale

    Russia and China both have numbers Higher than that due to genocide in there history


    i hate how people can be so uncaring about anything that happens in africa

  12. of course it could technology changes but human nature does not, genocide happened many many times before the Holocaust and has happened since

  13. Absolutley

    Anything is possible

    Bad or good

  14. Absolutely.

    In fact, things like the Holocaust are still going on today.

    In Africa, the Darfur Genocide is a conflict in western Sudan. This conflict has left nearly 400,000 dead from violence or disease.

    The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum estimates that 100,000 have died each year because of government attacks.

    Nearly 2.5 million people are thought to have been misplaced since October of 2006.

    I believe things like this will always go on, as long as we still have different religions, ethnic groups, and the right to think on our own.

  15. i dont think that it will, but if theres a will theres a way, never say never, there are some phsyco crazy *** people out there

  16. Yes, it might be happening as I type.

    The thing is that ANY thing can happen twice in the history of the world.

  17. it happens now, everyday.  look into what is happening in Zumbabwe, and Darfur... or Afghanistan, or North Korea, Burma, or some parts of China.

  18. Look up recent events in Africa...

  19. Definitely, but by the time someone gets around to doing something about it, it won't take long to end the war; the attacking country will probably just nuke them.

  20. You mean genocide?

    It's happening in the world right now, but yet people remain passive on the subject.

  21. Defenetly Maybe.

    Simply the history repeats itself.

    Iraq is not the last war. Soon enough there will be even greater war, you just have to wait for it, that is if you'll live that long.

  22. It already has – in countries like Cambodia, Laos, Rwanda, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Chad, and Darfur.

    Everywhere in the world there are people who want to purify the world.  Too many time people are either turning their backs on this or not being told the truth about what is happening.  This is not something that just happened many years back, its been in recent history too!

  23. it happed before didnt it so why couldnt it happen now especially with todays technology

  24. Genocide did not begin or stop with the Holocaust. That kind of thing is still occuring, albeit on a smaller scale and in less systematic or efficient forms, in some of the poorest and most turbulent regions of the world.

    However, looking at the current state of the world - information travels instantly, dictators have less power and are under more pressure, people are more aware of what is going on in the world - we may never see mass murder on the scope of the Holocaust again.

    But we don't know what the world will be like in a century, or even in 20 years. Anything could happen. So let's end the current wars and genocides and keep going in the right direction...

  25. sure, genecide happens all over the world now, its just not as well known bc the US isnt involved, things like the holocost happen over time, starting slowly then blow up, the Holocaust didnt happen over night it just started with new laws, then murder, then imprisonment.

  26. Darfur seems close.

    But on the scale of the Holocaust....I am not sure. I should hope the world learned something from that horror and won't ever let it happen again. But I suppose it is possible if people are indifferent or mean or scared. I hope people have learned that life requires asserting what is good and making an effort to do it.

  27. It already has happened again.

    As long as people allow racist comments to slide...

    as long as hatred presents a group of people as "less than human"...

    as long as governments are willing to ignore hideous actions by dictators and xenophobes...

    it will continue to happen.

  28. Of course.

    Look at Rwanda.

    Look at Darfur.

    It's happening all the time but we are too dense to understand it. By the time we get a clue, once again millions of people have died.

    Heck, the Rape of Nanking occured just 2 years before the Holocaust began yet very few even know about it.

  29. Yeah I think so. There's still radical dictators out there that believe they're the greatest race. Just look at middle east (general area). Kind of like Radical Muslims in Iran, who basically want to wipe out Israel (jews more specifically). I could be wrong but thats what i hear

  30. very similar things are happening in africa today.

  31. Possibly..with different religions.

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