
Could an overpopulated humanity be considered an infectious germ?

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Could an overpopulated humanity be considered an infectious germ?




  1. Yes, We are the maggots on a dead carcass, devouring everything until its gone. Its only a matter of time.

  2. A germ to the planet yes, s far as overpopulation to mankind

    infections would spread furthe among the masses of people

    Overpopulation  like bird overpopulation  can carry more diseases to the healthy. Population control is practiced in countries like china and several african nations

  3. I can't see anyone making an argument that humans do not fill the same qualities that other animals do when it comes to overpopulation.

    If a local ecosystem cannot sustain a population, we introduce more resources (foreign aid) and continue to increase the human population in that particular ecosystem. The problem only increases because we continue to influence reproduction and artificially supply that population with resources that would other wise disappear along with the excess human population.

    Sorry I can't answer your question of calling overpopulation an infectious germ, but I can call it an intrusive and damaging species.

  4. define "germ" and "infectious"

  5. According to Agent Smith in "The Matrix" (1999):

    # You move to an area and you multiply and multiply

    # until every natural resource is consumed and the

    # only way you can survive is to spread to another area.

    # There is another organism on this planet that follows

    # the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus.

    # Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.

  6. yeswe, are getting there

  7. No grasshopper.

  8. We used to have illnesses that bumped us off. We all get cured now and live longer. so we have ruined the way it should be. So we are becoming 'too many'

  9. ii7iy

  10. In a manner of speaking, yes

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