
Could an truly anarchist society exist?

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Could an truly anarchist society exist?




  1. Its an interesting concept, but no...

    The two words contradict each other.  Anarchy is everyone for himself with no rules and society is a group of people bonded together.  You can't be bonded with anything else if you are a true anarchist only looking out for yourself....there would be no point.

  2. Maybe a very small group of people for a finite amount of time. An anarchy is only as good as its worst person.

  3. Consult section I of the Anarchist FAQ

  4. Anarchy, as it was described to me, is government by "common sense" and not enough people possess that quality to make it work.

  5. Not in America anyway. There's way too many ties that bind - politically, economically, by our everyday habits and routines. We're the opposite of chaos - things are ordered here. Some of the order is good; some not so good. An anarchist here won't find much of an audience.

  6. No, just like a truly communist society couldn't, and why a utopia will never exist. Someone will take advantage of it.

  7. Yes, and there have been anarchist socities in the course of human history.

    You need to look no further than the bushmen of the kalahari desert, traditionally they have a chief but decisions are made generally made among themselves and based on consensus, and the cheifs power is limited. Further their economy was based on a gift economy, goods and services are exchanged without quid pro quo, unlike our capitalistic economy.

    Do you need an example of a society that's a bit closer to your everyday life? Then let's look at freetown christiania, founded in 1971 and still active to this day near the danish capital of copenhagen. It was founded in 1971 and has established it's own set of rules which include: no stealing, violence, guns, knives, bulletproof vests and hard drugs. Decisions are made collectively by the entire community.

    Are you still convinced that an anarchistic society can't work? It can we just have to want it to.

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