
Could another program interfere with the WiFi USB?

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I've had the WiFi USB for quite some time now, about 5 months, and it was working fine. But when I came back from my two week vacation a few days ago, it just stopped working. There are still 3 green signal bars when I open up the registration tool, but the Wii doesn't seem to be picking it up.

The "program" that I'm refering to in my question is some Java Command Prompt thing that my brother is using for a project, if that's any help. I didn't install any other programs besides this one.

And could someone tell me any other solutions in case that this Java thing isn't interfering with it? Thanks..




  1. Anything that causes the computer to connect to the usb ports could be interfering... as well as any other wireless signals around it like cell phones, modems, Tv sattelites, and portable internet devices...

    You're Wii could also be the culprit... try closing all internet connections and creating a new one on you're Wii itself

  2. yes, anything that uses bluetooth, I've ahd my DS interfere, and other things, I suggest investing in a LAN adapter or a Wireless router.

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