
Could any Father in a right mind, not care at all about a child he never even met?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, if they did why wouldn't they try to contact them?

I mean.........what do you think? thanks for the opinions =).




  1. I couldn't imagine having a kid and not knowing it... but I would always want to be in their life too.  I don't know, I can't imagine them caring very much at all if they don't make the effort to contact them...

  2. I suppose there are some people out there who don't care about children they've had and have never made an effort to meet them. But I wouldn't say that just because they haven't tried to meet their child that they don't care. There are all sorts of reasons that people might not meet their child...maybe they don't know the child exists, they might be afraid the child doesn't know that their father isn't the man who is raising them, that the mother has made it clear that she doesn't want the father to make contact, the father maybe has a wife and other children who don't know about the other child. Or maybe he's just afraid of upsetting the child more or he's scared. I don't know, people have many different reasons for doing what they do, and some might seem reasonable and others might not. Some people just can't seem to get their lives on track and keep making mistakes, and sometimes these people have kids and then the kids suffer because of it.

  3. My father gave up all custody rights to me when I was two. When I was like 6 he came to my house drunk one night trying to see me. When I was like 9 he called and wanted to see me. Now, I'm 18. He's in prison for beating up his own mother, nearly to death, over less than twenty dollars. And, last year when I was 17 his family contacted me and I met them all for the first time. They told me that he loves me, and he always talks about wanting to see me, but he says he knows that there is no way I could love him. They also told me that it was completely up to me whether or not I ever had contact with him.

    Not all situations are like this, I just wanted to share my situation with you. I still haven't met my father, but I honestly want to. I just don't know if I should.

  4. Just speaking of my dad........

    some guys just shouldn't ever be fathers..........sperm donors maybe, but NOT FATHERS!

    Kids need more than such guys can give them.

  5. my real father didnt want me

    i dont care

    he's a loser

    i dont want to meet him or get into contact with him

  6. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent.  If the father isn't interested, the child is probably better off not knowing him.  If the father meets the child and never contacts him again, it easily could be construed by the child as "Daddy doesn't like me because I'm a bad person."  If the child never meets the father, that's much less likely to happen.  

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