
Could any native English speaker kindly proofread this text?

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«Festival of Alternative Music and Sweet Cherry»

Melitopolians will remember _the_ _(?)_ Youth Day of this year for a long _time_ _(period? while?)_. _On June 29, the first in the history of Melitopol alternative festival "ФАМИЧ" took place_ _(On June 29, the first alternative festival "ФАМИЧ" in the history of Melitopol took place?)_ _in_ _(on?)_ the central square.

I cannot say that there were many people. Most likely, the organizers _planned_ _(were planning ?)_ to collect _bigger_ _(larger?)_ crowd. But nevertheless … in my opinion, the event was a succes. Even in the afternoon, the first fans already started gathering _in_ _(on?)_ the Square of The Victory, local and visiting rock groups made soundcheck. Meitopolians' "Стихия" (rus. "Elements"), "Сквозь пальцы" (rus. "Through The Fingers") and "Speech" appeared on the same scene with the groups from Kiev ("Йожики" - incorr. rus. "Hedzhehogz"), Zaporozhye ("Hunting Ground"), Chernovtsy ("Серцевий напад" - ukr. "Heart Attck"). _Not to frighten_ _(In order not to frighten?)_ the people who happened to be there by chance, the played music was rather soft. Pop-rock, punk. So, I think, both fans of alternative and ordinary people, who were taking walks in the Sunday evening, remained pleased. The event proceeded from 17.00 and till 23.00. Those who thought it was too little were welcome in the club "Kino"

Personally I was pleased by simple and positive atmosphere of the festival "ФАМИЧ." Skaters and teenagers on bicycles, people, sitting on grass in front of the stage... But there also were negative moments. As always, absence of refuse bins and toilets, amount of dust and broken bottles, left after the event, were making many people upset. Pity, but such situation is typical for Melitopol.

The organizers (the night club "Kino", the creative group "Idea" and others) promised that the festival "ФАМИЧ" would become yearly for our city. Also they expressed hope, that next summer, visitors from other cities, who would have heard of such a fine event, would come to our city. So, we shall compete with the festivals of "Музыкальный остров" (rus. "Music Island") and "Чайка" (rus. "Seagull").

By the way, there was much of alternative music indeed, but no sweet cherry. According to the idea of the Center of Family and Youth, whose representatives were handing memorable diplomas and booklets about Melitopol to the musicians, every group, participating in the festival, should have got one kilogramm of sweet cherry. But this idea eventually was not realized.


Please, explain to me the usage of the words _between low lines_, whether the variants are correct or not.

Thanks in advance!




  1. Melitopolians will remember the Youth Day of this year for a long,long time.

    On June 29,(here you should put the year),the first alternative festival in the history of Melitopol,"OAMN4"(sorry my computer doesn't do those symbols you did)took place in the central square.

    I can not say there were many people.Most likely,the organizers had expected to collect a larger crowd.But in my opinion,the event was a success.Even early in the afternoon,the first fans were gathering in the Square of Victory,and local and visiting rock groups did a sound check.The Meitopolian groups "Elements","Through the Fingers",and "Speech" appeared on the same scene as the groups from Kiev; "Hedgehogz","Hunting Ground",and "Heart Attack".

    In order not to upset the people who happened to be there by chance,the music they played was rather soft;pop-rock,punk.So I think both the fans of alternative,and ordinary people who were taking walks that Sunday evening,remained pleased.The event lasted from 5:00p.m. to 11:00p.m..Those who thought it was to short were welcomed in the club "Kino".

    Personally,I was pleased by the simple and positive atmosphere of the festival.There were skaters and teenagers on bicycles,and people sitting on the grass in front of the stage,talking and laughing.But there were negative moments as well.As always,the absence of refuse bins and toilets,and the amount of dust and broken bottles left after the event,were making many people upset.It's a pity,but such a situation is typical for Melitopol.

    The organizers,(The night club "Kino",the creative group "idea",and several others)promised that the festival would become a yearly event for our city.They also expressed hope that next summer visitors from other cities,who had heard of this fine event,would come to our city.So,we shall compete with the festivals "Music Island"and "Seagull".

    By the way,there was a lot of alternative music indeed,but no sweet cherry.According to the idea of the Center of Family and Youth,whose representitives were handing out memorable diplomas,and booklets

    about Melitopol to the musicians,every group who had participated in the festival should have received one kilogram of sweet cherry.But this idea was initialy not reelized.

    I hope I helped!

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