
Could any one analyze my personality and categorize me as with (arrogant, crazy ,or what ever?

by  |  earlier

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I am pretty confused with my self, I have been told before that I am very intelligent,and I have noticed it many times I got 145, and 125 on my IQ and I speak English as a second language,I am educated but not certified,I was in law school for 4yrs, but did not finish because another opportunity popped up.I have been interested in electronics,computers, math and other things .but I am alwyas shifting my goals and always looking for quick solutions and fast success .I was raised in a very poor community with alot of ignorance violence which harmed me alot but I realized I was different and I have achived a few steps which would mean the world for some of my friends but I am always eager for more. .. I can build stuff with no experience just following the guids, the impatience for results which leads to many failures at times. I am also good looking which makes me sorta noticed in many places I feel sometimes that I am full of my slef and I do not really mean for that to be plus I think that my job is not what i am meant to do > I can think> but I do A factory job which is not what I want to do . and I am feel I am nobody




  1. sounds like its time for nighty night--get your bottle and blanky and lay down. Your full of something---but it doesnt smell like "yourslef"

  2. Though I wouldn't go as far as to say you have ADD, I think your personality has some attributes of it.  You seem to want to do too much at once and your impatience leads you to flaking out or not finishing.  It almost sounds somewhat manic.  I don't know if it's worthy of any classification of a disorder, but it might be worth your future to look into it, or maybe provide a few more details about your general personality - what you think of yourself, what other people have said about you, etc, so that others can help you more.

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