
Could any one help? I'm sooo confused.?

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What is the difference between The Multiregional Model and Out of Africa Model? This question is regarding human evolution.




  1. Not too sure, but its all about the number of migrations out of africa. From what I recall, in the multiregional model, all human species, evolved from the homo erectus in africa, migrated into asia and middle east, and continued their development into different species (nearnderthal, and todays human), (ie. one migration).

    The out of africa model has it that one group left africa first, evolved into the neantherndal man and subsequently died off, while the others stayed in africa and migrated much later. These others evolved into the present day humans.(two migrations).

    Theres also 'out of africa II' .... three migrations.

  2. now your making me confused. try going onto google dictinay and find out what the words Multiregional and human evolution mean. it might help

  3. The out of Africa model posits that early humans (homo heidelbergensis) developed in Africa then colonized Asia and Europe without interbreeding with homo erectus and the neanderthals.

    The multiregional model posits that archaic homo sapiens (proto-humans, not really humans) evolved in Africa then spread out through Africa, Asia and Europe all the while interbreeding with the homo erectus and neanderthal groups already there. This theory suggests that "humans" are the product of these interbreedings and suggests that it is possible that they evolved independantly in various areas.

    The multi-regional model explains why early Europeans ahve neanderthal traits and early Asians have homo erectus traits.

  4. I'll make this simple as all the other answers either have minor or major flaws.

    Due to the DNA evidence, the current multiregional model has to imply that erectus migrated out of africa and then independantly evolved into different Archaic Homo sapien species all around the globe, then as Anatomically modern Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa these Archaic groups were still reproductively compatible and bread into this Anatomically modern Homo sapien and added regional gene contributions from the Archaic species.

    The Out of Africa model states that these regional Archaic populations were NOT reproductively compatible with Anatomically modern Homo sapiens and as-of-such were eventually replaced by being out competed by this new Anatomically modern Homo sapien that radiated out of Africa.

    This covers the models' definitions.


    Additional information:

    The DNA evidence is too consistent to ignore the fact that Anatomically modern Homo sapiens DID evolve in Africa and the discussion between "multi regional" vs. "Out of Africa" comes down to weather or not Anatomically modern Homo sapiens were still reproductively compatible with the numerous Archaic populations which had independantly evolved around the globe.

    So far the bulk of the empirical evidence is pointing towards the Out of Africa model as being the correct one.  Here are some maps which show the spread of Y-DNA and mt-DNA based on the frequencies of haplogroups in modern populations.  North America and Australia are based on the pre colonial indigenous populations and thus creates a pre-colonial image of the spread of human genes. mt-DNA: & Y-DNA: It is this DNA evidence that makes it impossible to conclude that Anatomically modern Homo sapiens evolved independantly from different regional Archaic Homo sapiens groups, as some of the answers that you have received have implied.

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  6. wouldn't it be that the out of Africa model says that ALL humans originate from the rift valley and migrated around the Globe.  So we all have one (two) original,common human ancestor.

    The Multi regional model would suggest that human life evolved independently in various places, Australasia, China, Africa. So we don't all share an ancestor. ??

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