
Could any one suggest a product that I can build myself and make a living out of it,in a garage,please help

by  |  earlier

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I am very good at putting things togather (computers,doors ,buildings,metal items electronics,etc..)

I understand the math and I use it, I live to learn,and if there is a good product that can make me a fair income i would learn more about it to make it right,any ideas thank you




  1. Dog houses

    Bird houses

    Tool boxes

  2. invent a not noisy machine to make horse stalls clean themselves. it would be alot easier on us stable hands..

  3. Take a look around your neighbourhood. Is there a demand for any special type of equipment?

    Sit and have a think about this. What are your strengths, i.e., not only what are you best at, but what do you really enjoy?  

    A UK man, Trevor B**** (can't remember his surname) invented and made a wind-up radio which helped people in Africa and around the world.  A wind-up torch has already been invented so has the wind-up computer.  But I would think this is the way to go.  Something that people really need and that will improve their lives.

    Me, I would love something that makes cleaning windows easier.

    Ask around your friends, talk to local businesses - you never know what will spark an idea for you.

    Wishing you every success.

  4. build an industrial dish-washer. I know your saying "its already been done" , but In most restaurants today people must still wash all dishes by hand. If you can create a method to: rinse, soak, wash, and sanitize dishes (plastic/metal pans, pots, lids, containers) in a quick and efficient manner,I'm sure you will find a buyer for your product. I think you could charge upwards of $1,000 for this product because of the longevity and heavy use of the product. As a dishwasher i sometimes would spend 4-5 hours non-stop washing dishes and it would be much cheaper and easier on a business to have a automated device to assist in the dish washing process. but a dishwasher itself would probably take too long, you'd need to think more in the direction of "dish in, rinsed, scrubbed, sanitized, dish out" all in a matter of, hopefully, seconds.  

  5. Bird houses are very popular but if you have a real creative talent and want to make some serious income in the teen market develope your own line of custom skate boards. They are usually made of wood I have never seen one made of metal and it could just be a big hit!

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