
Could any one tell me what website to go to to teach my 1yr old sigh language for free?

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like a alaphabet thing and signs for words to thanks





    This website shows you the signs with explanations.  I use it for teaching my child.


    this site gives you some helpful tips and ideas to get started.

    Good Luck, and NO it is not too early to start now.  My son has Down Sydnrome and we started teaching him sign language when he was less than a year old, and he picked it up real quick so I'm sure your child will do even better.


  2. Check with your library to see if they have any videos  or books.

  3. I don't know that a 1 year old could easily learn sign language from a website since he/she can't read.  I do know, however, that even babies can learn sign language.  In fact, it is a great way to help young children learn to express themselves before they can talk.  My two suggestions would be:

    1. In regards to finding mediums to introduce your child to sign language, check the local library for dvds.  There is a line of dvds called "Signing Time" that is excellent.  It is meant for children and is pretty engaging.

    2. Learn some signs yourself.  By learning signs for simple words like sleepy, eat, drink, thank you, you can start to incorporate signing into your childs routine.  Get in the habit of using the signs whenever you say these words to your child, and you may be suprised how quickly he/she will pick it up.  Other helpful signs easy to include in daily life are "all done", "more" and "bath".  Hope this helped!

  4. Yes, a 1 yr old can learn sign language.  The most important thing is to be consistent with signing while you speak to your child.  For example, when you say milk sign the symbol for milk.  Keep in mind every child is different, some catch on quickly while others take some time.  I started signing with my son at 10 months and by 13 months he was signing several words.

    Check out the following sites.  Good luck.


    *AWESOME site.

  5. I really don't think a 1 year old can learn sign language.

    I mean really,

    they can barely talk,

    what makes you think they'll be able to remember all that?

    you should wait till it's older.


    I use this sight to work with my two yr. olds at my daycare.  They pick up sign language amazingly fast!  I would suggest starting with words your child will use most often:  yes, no, thank you, please, more, mommy, daddy, thirsty, etc.  Good luck and you will LOVE teaching your child this second language!

  7. Hey! I know the perfect site for that! It's not exactly your ideal site but it's pretty good! Here, go to then your baby will dicover the world of sign language! I hope you the best of luck!

  8. pay for lessons you cheapskate

  9. Try reading some books from your local library and doing it yourself. You van probably find pictures of the signs for the alphabet on the internet and teach him yourself...

    However, your 1 year old is too little to know the alphabet!!!!

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