
Could anyone become really good in bed by watching a lot of p**n or does it usually take a lot of real life practice?

by Semione Abi  |  9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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Adult Film, Amateur Erotica

 Tags: bed, life, lot, porn, practice, real, usually, watching



  1. Semione Abi

    Watching p**n to become good in bed in real life is like getting good as a Spiderman by watching Spiderman movies.

    p**n like every other movie is just for entertainment, not education.

    You can only get better in bed by communicating with your partner and knowing what you’re doing and not doing well, then, you try to improve.

    If you don’t believe so, then try watching all Bruce Lee films, then go out on a street, pick a fight, and use the skills you saw Bruce Lee doing on screen and fight. Let’s see how well that will work for you.

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Semione Abi


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