
Could anyone recomend a good Ebay price for my mini's?

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I'm planning to sell a batch of warhammer mini's on ebay, but I'm having trouble deciding on a price.

I have around 450 unpainted, unassembled, mint condition figures for sale and I've tried to find a comparable auction to guild my starting price. I've been unsuccesful however. There are plenty of lots selling sround 100 figures -fully or semi painted- for around £100-150 - of which prehaps one in ten manages to make a sale.

I was hoping to get £150, since that was the minimum amount I need, but I don't want to undercut myself since the purchase cost of these figures is around £400. If I ask for more than this however I risk not making a sale.

I just wanted to get some opinions before I decide.

How would you set the price for this lot?




  1. Sell by auction bidding with a reserve price of £150 maybe.

  2. Ebay wont bring a high price unless you get a few people wanting the same thing

  3. I'd suggest asking at a local miniature gaming club first. My experience with them is that they're always willing to give you a fair price and you won't have to deal with postage or something getting broken in the mail.

    If that fails, sell them online at a higher price, say £250-300, since you can always lower your price later without risking anything. The reason I say such a high price is because they're unpainted and unassembled. Gamers love this (that and models which are completely finished) - there's nothing worse than seeing an auction only to find out that half are poorly undercoated, some unpainted and the rest horribly mutilated with bright green.

    If you describe everything well and act like people are getting away with a bargain, you should get at least £200 if it doesn't sell the first time around. Don't be daunted by other's sales - you've got a completely blank slate of an army; unpainted and unassembled, so it'll sell much easier. Hope this helps...

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