
Could anyone recommend me a good digital camera?

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My previous camera, was similar to this one:

It broke, because the button got stuck and all the functions just.. stopped working :| So, I've (well, my parents) decided to get a new one. I'm 15, and I'm usually going to be the one using it (for school and such). I'd prefer for it to be under $300. One with good image quality, but doesn't need to be professional or anything. My parents prefer Sony, but any recommendations are fine. Thanks for any help!




  1. Canon PowerShot A590 IS

    4X optical zoom, 8 megapixels, has image stabilizer for shaky hands and settings can be set manually (shutter speed/aperture) in addition to auto. has it for $145- +shipping new.

  2. I know what most casual people think, but I suggest staying away from Sony. They specialize in high def tv screens and audio equipment but not cameras. Instead, a good camera would be those from the Canon powershot line. Here's the link: .  It retails for under $300 usd, which should fit your budget =D

  3. A Nikon Coolpix Is Good I Have Heard...

    I Have A Casio Exilim 7.2 Megapixel And I Love It...

    They Also Come In 8 Megapixel...

  4. Nikon Coolpix is great! I have one myself

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