
Could anyone tell me some candles to burn??

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I need to burn candles for protection, love, good health, and understanding. Can you tell me some candles and the meaning of the colors. I know somethings but don't know it all!




  1. Candle Colors

    RED - Energy, health, passion, s*x, protection, fire, fertility, fast action, strength, potency, lust, blood. Element: Fire

    PINK - Love, friendship, romance, honor, spiritual healing, caring, affection, forming partnerships, peace, emotional healing.

    YELLOW - Action, inspiration and creativity, studying and intelligence, concentration, memory, logic, learning, attraction, confidence. Element: Sun/Fire

    ORANGE - Happiness, business deals, attracting good things, success, career, goals, stimulation, attraction, power, luck, sudden changes.

    GREEN - Plant magic, mother earth, earth worship, money, success, growth, wealth, physical healing, health, marriage, fertility, employment, balance. Element: Earth

    BLUE - Peace, calm, loosing weight, wisdom, understanding, protection, harmony, inspiration, truth, patience, health and happiness, luck, communication, loyalty, occult power. Element: Water

    DARK BLUE - Represents the subconscious, healing, psychism, slow change. Element: Water

    PURPLE - Ancient wisdom, the third eye, psychic powers, meditation, spirituality, success, confidence, hidden knowledge, protection, divination, contact with spirit world, Element: Soul or the Spirit

    BROWN - Home, friendships, balance, animal magic, earth magic, concentration and studying, wealth, success, intuition, psychic powers and ESP. Element: Earth

    BLACK - Protection, hex-breaking, reversing, banishing, destroying evil or negativity, binding, and repelling. Also used for healing very powerful illnesses.

    WHITE - Dawn, purification, peace, truth, protection, spirituality. White can be used in place of any other candle color and is suitable for any ritual. Element: All

    MAGENTA - Quick change. Use this candle with other candles to initiate a quick response or fast changes.

    INDIGO - Karma, balance, restoration of balance, meditation, stop another ones spell against you.

    GOLD - Sun-Worship, the God, success

    Good Luck!


  2. You don't have to have colors.  If all you have is white you can use that.  Just inscribe what you want the candle to be used as.  Hold the candle with that thought in your mind.  That's really all you need.  

    If you need the colors the answerer above me gave you great information.

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