
Could anything be more simplistic than the environuts waving off every cold snap as "global warming" caused?

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Seriously... gimme a break. "Yeah but what about the record cold temps in Chicago last week and the crop killing freeze in Florida?"

"You heathen!!! d**n you to h**l!!! Global warming causes all violent weather patterns!!! There was no such thing as cold snaps and heat waves before global warming!!!!! The weather in every town was always within a degree of normal all year round!!!! You idiot!!!!! You global warming denier!!!!! Where's my welfare check??!!!!!"




  1. What's really, seriously, stupidly simplistic is the attitude that global warming means every the temperature at every point in the world has to constantly rise.  Global warming is an increase in the average temperature, which means that you can indeed have cold spells, even severe ones, in a warming period.

    So why are you complaining about other people being simplistic when you're doing the same thing yourself?


  2. It's just as simplistic as saying short term weather in one place disproves global warming.  You need to look at the global data, long term.  Here it is, peer reviewed and verified.

    And here's why, with everything considered; sun, volcanoes, etc.  Also peer reviewed and verified.

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