I was molested repeatedly as a child for approximately five years by my older brother. It's been 6 years since it stopped, and as far as I know I am completely over it. I've had a serious boyfriend for three years; we have a decent relationship that I'm very happy in and we have a great s*x life. I've forgiven my brother completely and wish him the best. My brother was into hard drugs for a number of years, including some of the time he was molesting me. He has since cut back a little; now he only drinks, smokes, smokes pot, does shrooms...etc. I now have a strong dislike for recreational drug use. My boyfriend would never use hard drugs, but he smokes cigarettes, drinks, and has recently started smoking pot again. I let him do such things because I don't want to control him, but it bothers me deeply and has caused a lot of problems with us. When asked why I don't like drugs, I can never come up was a suitable answer. I was wondering, could I associating drug use with my past experiences of being molested? If so, how do I get over this so my boyfriend and I will stop butting heads? Thanks